@fgtech Exactly!

@fgtech Yeah. There's also the issue that Open Source was specifically invented in 1998 to be a more business-friendly alternative to Free Software. The purpose of the term was specifically to scrub away the ideological aspect of Free Software and market collaborative volunteer work as a way for companies to lower costs and improve their software.

@chriskrycho 😄

@eli They’re all so bad 😑

@chriskrycho Yeah. Tool-obsession can become a pasttime in its own right. And not limited to software. GAS (Gear-Acquisition-Syndrome) is a thing in many fields and hobbies 😁

@zorn My pleasure!

@jonesbp Thanks!

@chriskrycho Thanks! However it goes I’m sure the journey will be fun 🙂

@chriskrycho Thanks!

@baldur The post I link to is actually super-serious and introspective so my comment is almost certainly in bad taste. 😅

@wearsmanyhats Certainly caught my eye 😁

@maique That could fit. I was away for the weekend so it might have been broken for a couple of days before I noticed.

@mjkaul Definitely a fav.

@baldur The cross-poster tripped me up again. Forgot that you can’t trust the damn character count on the post itself and that you have to do the damn math in your head.

@manton So, this post, for example


came in at 267 characters in the micro.blog posting UI. But it came over as a blog post on Twitter. I reposted it on Twitter manually and deleted the original. Wish I hadn't now so I could point to it as a reference.

@odd I'm guessing that designs like that would probably run into performance issues on many devices in browsers today but haven't tested directly. Probably would depend very much on the device and the specific SVG.

In theory, this should help with that, though, once it lands as it would enable hardware acceleration of both the video and SVG layers. Chrome has a similar project in the works and FireFox has been working towards greater hardware acceleration for a while, so, fingers crossed, the future of SVG animation is going to be a bright one 🙂

@fgtech Never practiced it myself but have heard it now from a couple of different people 🙂 Not surprised as it turns out it's an effective learning strategy.

@wearsmanyhats True. Very true.

@leonp The incorrect assertions are regularly challenged, thankfully. Half the time the counterargument is also incorrect but the thought counts, I guess 😬

@troykitch My pleasure!

@baldur Basically, all of your PDF renders using headless Chrome on Linux have broken typography: no hyphens (bug #6840) and broken font hinting leading to bad kerning in varying degrees.

Fix it using either --font-render-hinting=none or --disable-font-subpixel-positioning

Both flags have the same result in my testing. Then you need to use a hyphenation polyfill like hyphenopoly to make up for bug #6840 (no hyphens on headless Chrome)

@fgtech Did some more testing on this. Turns out I was just being hard on the Windows and Desktop Linux outputs and they are overall similar to that on macOS. Pretty good actually.

However, turns out that headless is a mode built into all Chrome/Chromium binaries. So, instead of using the Chromium that comes with puppeteer I pointed it at the desktop linux install….

…And the output was really bad again.

Turns out it isn’t the install or the setup but something about headless mode on linux where kerning and hyphenation is just broken. Headless mode on other platforms works fine.

@artkavanagh You are absolutely right about LaTeX being the bottom one but swapped the other two. Chrome is in the middle, with the wonky spacing, while weasyprint is at the top. 🙂

@wearsmanyhats Yeah, the point about not wasting time messing around with your blogging setup is a good one.

@fgtech 😎