@fgtech The Icelandic healthcare system dropped the mask mandate a few months ago when they thought that the tail end of the first Omicron wave was going to be the end of it. Then they reinstated it late last week. Literally the day after my dad's appointment. 😑

@jaheppler Thanks! Same to you.

@patrickrhone Thanks! 🤞🏻

@leonp Thanks, hope it was helpful. I’m a big believer in people incrementally improving their existing methods. Turn bits of it into a routine. Slowly becoming more consistent. That sort of thing.

@leeschneider Kind of wish I were still a Mac user. Never got the chance to try out DEVONThink when I was on the mac and kinda regret that.

@alanralph Yeah, I've been pondering what to do about Pinboard (I use it as well, myself). Thankfully I don't have the sharing requirement that Dorothea does so there are quite a few options.

@fgtech Right?!

@odd Right?

@robotsneedhugs Yeah, I think you’re right.

@baldur This isn’t a pro-crypto post. This is a “these services know that crypto is a bad idea but can’t stay away out of greed” tweet. Just in case it was ambiguous.

@fgtech It was news to me as well so I felt I had to share.

@mejh I had completely given up on DuckDuckGo for Icelandic searches. I’ll start trying it again. 👍🏻

@zorn 😄

@ton Some ad blockers try prevent the page from loading known JS libraries that are responsible for some of these overlays. But in actual practice this doesn't seem to work that often.

@chriskrycho Ah, yeah. I hadn’t thought of that. Good point.

@artkavanagh Yeah, feels like the only reason it isn’t marked as ‘sponsored content’ is that it isn’t coherent enough.

@baldur So, it's dropping posts from the cross-posting queue now. Which is a new bug I haven't seen before. The post I'm replying to got cross-posted but the post before it didn't. Really starting to wonder why I stay here.

@fgtech My pleasure 🙂

@leonp Yup. Pretty much.

@alanralph Ouch, yeah. That’s a zinger.

@skoobz Hah! I guess 😁

@chriskrycho This one is relatively straight, using the ACROS b&w curve in both apps. I don’t mind how Adobe handles fuji when doing colour processing but b&w is a definite weak point for fuji.

@philbowell I don’t think so? Just the share widget of the native iOS app which I use to share from my feed reader or Safari. (99.99% of it is from my iPad.)

@alanralph Absolutely.

@fgtech True. True.