I keep wondering how big the ‘hidden’ podcasting ecosystem is; the podcasts not listed on or followed via any of the centralised podcast registries. Where somebody has just thrown a url in a podcast app or feed reader.

It’s definitely not zero.

“How To Build Resilient JavaScript UIs — Smashing Magazine”

“Making Reasonable Use of Computer Resources”

“Refactoring CSS: Strategy, Regression Testing And Maintenance (Part 2) — Smashing Magazine”

“Better coordination, or better software? – Jessitron”

“Adactio: Journal—Facebook Container for Firefox”

Genuinely think that whoever okayed this change in behaviour should be fired. And then whoever hired them should be fired as well. Infuriating change www.howtogeek.com/696775/ho…

“Why it’s okay for web components to use frameworks - Read the Tea Leaves”

The whole “automation increases employment in the long run” example of ATMs not reducing teller jobs didn’t look at a long enough time scale.

Namely, post-2010 you do indeed see a massive reduction in teller jobs in many countries. (40% decline here in Iceland).

“Pixels of the Week – August 1, 2021 by Stéphanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.”

“On data rights, immigration, privilege, power, and the shit life throws at you – Hi, I’m Heather Burns”

So glad that I left the UK on the eve of the Brexit vote. And I’m also glad that I left Quebec to return home.

The more I hear from musicians who have essentially quit the business because of how little it pays after streaming took over…

…the more I’m starting to think that publishing initially “nope”-ing out of VC-funded subscription sites might have been a good idea

“Tension in Chrome and Safari’s Dominance — Pixel Envy”

Another SVG experiment.

An abstract representation of a woman

“Survivorship bias”

“Aligning a Button Label Vertically - Ahmad Shadeed”

Neat solution for a common problem.

“From Iceland — Food Of Iceland: Landi”

Turns out you can now buy landi (Icelandic moonshine) legally in Iceland. A brewer in Borgarfjörður is making it. 😱

‘The Oxymoron of “Data-Driven Innovation” – Chelsea Troy’

“Too Smart”

“The big blowups in any field aren’t typically caused by a lack of smarts. The catastrophes are typically caused by extreme intelligence that causes people to believe their own dangerous stories”

Smart people have a knack for fooling themselves

“Adactio: Journal—Reader”

Opening up my feed reader app in the morning feels the same as opening the newspaper in the morning felt 20 years ago. Except all the articles are interesting and the cartoons are amazing.

“Nobody gives a hoot about groupthink – Baldur Bjarnason”

Where I write about the two bad software ideas everybody keeps reimplementing.

“On Permalinks and Paradigms… – plasticbag.org”

“Safari isn’t protecting the web, it’s killing it - HTTP Toolkit”

This is a great post. Specifically avoids speculation on Apple’s motivation. Lists concrete harms and bugs. Points out the slow update cadence. 👍🏻

“What the team lacked was the psychological safety to go and do product discovery. The mere act of talking to customers implied that the direction the team was given by upper management may not be correct”

“Kent Beck’s Paint Drip People - Think Different”