@smokey Yeah, same. Like you, I'm not sure that the dysfunctions of open source aren't just a public symptom of the dysfunctions of software dev in general, just made more obvious by the transparency of FLOSS

I mean, odds are that somebody who doesn't properly set boundaries in their OSS work isn't setting boundaries in their normal job either.

@ddykstal True. I'd like to change my statement to:

"Yet more evidence that VC-funded tech/software companies default to unethical behaviour"

Which I think is much more accurate.

@smokey This is an excellent point. Most organisations choose Electron specifically because they want to do less work.

@gebloom True. True.

@gebloom He's not being nearly as interesting as Alan Kay who was talking about building a complete and dynamic programming environment that was easily learnable and powerful for both the young and the old.

The book type this guy has 'invented' basically just integrates timed quizzes into an otherwise normal web-based ebook.

@eli :-) Yeah. Pretty much.

@smokey Hah! 😄 I hadn't noticed that.

@ChrisJWilson I guess that was several pivots ago for Medium :-P

@ChrisJWilson Ah, sorry. Seems like micro.blog doesn't like @s in urls. Should work now. But I'm also now getting Medium's roadblock subscription popup on the article :-(

Medium has become annoying. Need to consider avoiding posting links to it in the future.

@smokey My pleasure :-)

@artkavanagh Yeah. The idea of documenting an 'owner's manual' for yourself is a pretty good one in general, I think.

@smokey I enjoyed it. 🙂

@tomasino Yeah. Huge fan 🙂

@pkra Yeah. How hard it sometimes is to avoid amp is a testament to how effective Google is at abusing their monopoly position.

@fgtech Yeah. It's unlikely to get much adoption if at all if that actually is a requirement.

@martinfeld Yeah, it seems to be a genuine reflection of the company culture, which in turn seems to be reflected in the features that are being implemented.

@eli This is true. But in terms of my personal priorities (YMMV) the ability to silo less important accounts at services that I trust less is more important than the lock-in. Especially given that most, if not all, of the usable alternatives leverage my private data for their profit and have their own systems of lock-in. (Like what Google is doing with Gmail, GDocs, etc.)

At least on Apple's systems you have the option to reach for those anonymised sign-in methods when you need them.

@patrickrhone Yeah, it's an accessibilty feature that's being marketed as a general user feature.

@smokey 👍

@smokey @artkavanagh That's a very good point

@smokey Yeah. I mean, it's never been particularly subtle about its priorities TBH.

@cm My pleasure.

@smokey Colours are fun ☺

@smokey Harbours, for some reason, are a surprising source of bright colours sometimes :-)

@smokey Yeah, very much so.