@MitchWagner Not too shabby.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
@MitchWagner Not too shabby.
@pkra Yeah. Definitely. He's put a bit more thought into the sustainability of open source than most people I folllow.
@gebloom Pretty much.
@gebloom Ah, well. I guess some context is missing. Basically the W3C, along with a bunch of publishing types have been trying to get a specification for Web Publications off the ground that was intended to replace EPUB and make ebooks more web-like.
It didn't work www.w3.org/TR/wpub/
@Miraz It's so so useful.
@martinfeld You can blame the swedes 😄
@hollyhoneychurch The base is eggs, mayonaise, and bread. The rest tends to vary from family to family but this one has all sorts of fruit, salad, shrimp, and, I think, some smoked salmon. They often have ham as well, but IIRC this one doesn't
@martinfeld Thanks! I'm very grateful to those tourists for walking in exactly the right spot to make the picture work 😄
@artkavanagh Good point.
@artkavanagh True. True.
@martinfeld That looks interesting. Thanks for the suggestion.
@cwebber Agree totally 🙂
@cwebber Landing somewhere, even staying a while, is completely different from settling there. Attempting to settle on Mars is overwhelmingly likely to be a death sentence. Worse yet, it’s likely to be a death sentence that takes decades to fully hit those that try to live there. Attempting to settle anywhere has historically been a death sentence. You can 10X that risk for Mars.
@ianbetteridge Yeah, it’s definitely the new norm. And I’m pretty sure that the driving force behind Apple’s renewed development push behind Safari which started 3-4 years ago was driven by the realisation that a bad browser would leave them more vulnerable in a new Cloud software future.
@amit Thanks!
@martinfeld This was taken with a Fujifilm X-20 and processed with Lightroom. Pretty sure you could probably take a picture like this with one of the newer iPhones as well but an X-20 with a nice lens from EBay is cheaper than a new iPhone 😁
@Miraz Thanks! Yeah, the landscape can be very beautiful here.
@martinfeld It is!
@twelvety Yup. Big fan.
@trashsquirrell@mastodon.social 👍🏻
@smokey Thanks! You can always trust Iceland to be photogenic. 🙂
@smokey @fgtech I like the point about spatial anchors. Like you say, people don’t prefer scrolling, they prefer a consistent space that they can create a mental map of. Which supports the point about why infinite scrolling is bad.
@ianbetteridge Oh, lord yes.
@smokey Yeah, unfortunately.