@odd Oooh, yeah. That one looks nice as well.

@artkavanagh Yeah, that page definitely isn’t a good reading experience.

@ChrisJWilson My pleasure! 🙂

@simonwoods Doesn’t inspire confidence.

@paulcraig901 😐

@fgtech Exactly!

@simonwoods Yeah, tech has long fostered cult-like behaviour but there are parts of the OSS/Free Software communities that are well on their way towards becoming proper personality cults.

@artkavanagh Seems like a constant in life 😄

@fgtech True. True.

@fgtech Yeah, it’s hard to argue with the idea that it’s a key factor in enabling large scale internet monopolies.

@artkavanagh Yeah, I think you're right.

@ohBananaJoe thanks! 🙂

@ianbetteridge 😎

@fgtech true. True.

@fgtech definitely.

@fgtech Yeah, that’s a good point. That post’s idea of good writing is quite limited

@ayjay Thanks! That’s very useful to know. 🙂

Most of those who have a fetish for first principles thinking are actually utterly ignorant about the field they are FTPing™. To the point where they don‘t have enough expertise to even recognise what that field‘s first principles actually are and frequently swap cause and effect.

(As in “every time I see that it’s raining, the pavements are wet, so wet pavements must cause rain” which is a really easy mistake to make when you’re seeing rain and wet pavements for the first time in your life.)

When a techie or finance person develops a fetish for First Principles Thinking™ it‘s almost always due to impatience. They want shortcuts to enlightenment and aren’t willing to put in the work of studying a field for years.

This leads to garbage writing and half-baked ideas.

@artkavanagh This is true! It’s even how I subscribe to 90% of the substacks that I follow.

@fgtech 🙂

@artkavanagh His blog is great! Highly recommended.

@ChrisJWilson Yeah, the idea that automatic/lazy backlinks would end up just cluttering things up and make actually useful links harder to find makes a lot of sense.

@jack Same.

@jack Yeah, that’s a very good point. My impression at this point is entirely anecdotal. Mostly that a writer’s sudden public interest in notetaking esoterica tends to be followed by less interesting writing.

@jack I laughed :-D