“How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)”

“Ecological doom-loops: Why ecosystem collapses may occur much sooner than expected”

There is no way to restore collapsed ecosystems within any reasonable timeframe. There are no ecological bailouts. In the financial vernacular, we will just have to take the hit.

“XML is the future”

About developer hype culture. Or the pop culture as Alan Kay used to call it.

“Arnold’s Docuseries: A Case Study in Online Content Pollution – On my Om”

The new stuff on streaming is all meh. The old stuff doesn’t pay enough to keep available. Streamers have been turning into second rate VHS rentals from the 90s. Bónusvídeó if you’re Icelandic

“How AI can distort human beliefs. Models can convey biases and false information to users”

“Inside the AI Factory: the humans that make tech seem human - The Verge”

‘Get a clue, says panel about buzzy AI tech: it’s being “deployed as surveillance”‘

“Adobe Stock creators aren’t happy with Firefly, the company’s ‘commercially safe’ gen AI tool”

I think calling Adobe’s Firefly ‘ethical’ (which I might have done in the past) is a stretch. It’s more “legal less problematic than other models”, but that doesn’t roll off the tongue

“Amazon’s allegedly “dangerous and illegal” warehouses spur Senate probe | Ars Technica”

“The Best Time to Regulate A.I. Is Today – Pixel Envy”

Give existing regulators extra funding earmarked for investigations into AI company misbehaviour. A good chunk of the stuff happening is illegal already

“In new AI hype frenzy, tech is applying the label to everything now”

But they also define AI so broadly as to include almost any large-scale, statistically-driven computer program.

“AI Expert Says ChatGPT Is Way Stupider Than People Realize”

“Announcing my new book, You Deserve a Tech Union. — Ethan Marcotte”

“Daring Fireball: DPReview Found a Buyer: Gear Patrol”

There’s something fundamentally wrong with a management team where their first impulse is to shutter a valuable property and only shop it around when there’s outcry.

“Cascade Layers are useless* - Manuel Matuzović”

Layers have only been out for a short while but they’re already fundamental to how I structure my CSS. I’m never going back if I can help it.

“You Can Have It All – Cloud Four”

The web today is an amazingly capable platform let down by dysfunctional managment, outdated practices, and ossified frameworks.

“The Next Phase of Eleventy: Return of the Side Project”

Big fan of Eleventy, used it for a number of sites. It’s great.

I do worry that this will be a trend. That there will be hard times ahead for open-source projects

“How to Prepare for the Deluge of Generative AI on Social Media”

“The Dot-com surge - The History of the Web”

Those are the glory days that today’s tech industry is trying to recreate.

“The cavalry have arrived. But not for long. – Hi, I’m Heather Burns”


“Exclusive: OpenAI Lobbied E.U. to Water Down AI Regulation | Time”

I had been wondering what OpenAI’s EU lobbying strategy looked like because it looks considerably less effective than it’s US strategy.

“Button types”

I really like this idea. Declarative button actions would make many web dev tasks much easier.

Today’s post, “A prayer wheel for capitalism”, should lose me a few newsletter subscribers. 😝

“The New CSS · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”