‘Microsoft Publishes Garbled AI Article Calling Tragically Deceased NBA Player “Useless”. “AI should not be writing obituaries.”’

Hard to believe that there’s anybody left that still believes in this tech, let alone an entire industry that seems to be falling for it

So, this is happening. I can already see that the final version needs to have a gloss, not matte, cover. And the margins are slightly off and need to be corrected. But this is happening.

Print versions of my books: The Intelligence Illusion and Out of the Software Crisis. Side by side.A view of the width of the print version of The Intelligence IllusionA view of the width of the print version of Out of the Software CrisisA comparison of the widths of the two books.

“The Myth of Artificial Intelligence - The American Prospect”

“Critical WebP bug: many apps, not just browsers, under threat”

One of the issues with the popularity of Electron apps is that when Chrome has a vulnerability, they all have one

And because they all come with their own copy of Chromium, they need to be updated separately

This book is required reading for everyone involved in looking at Generative AI for their business or in their work.

Andrew Doran on “The Intelligence Illusion” www.linkedin.com/feed/upda…

Available at illusion.baldurbjarnason.com

After noodling around with mocha and deno, I’m pretty sure it’s possible to set up a full-featured browser-oriented dev env with minimal external dependencies using esm and import maps, focusing on the browser as your runtime


“The A.V. Club’s AI-Generated Articles Are Copying Directly From IMDb”

This was utterly predictable. So predictable that I’ve already written about it a few times. Modern LLMs are memorisation machines (that’s why they do well in exames).

Starlings relaxing after raiding my bird feeder. Blurry phone picture as they scarpered as soon as they saw me enter the kitchen.

Five starlings relax on a balcony railing.

“Bricolage | Some notes on Local-First Development”

I think Local-First is going to be an essential option for web development, but you can tell that devs have already given wholesale into their worst instincts towards hyper-complexity.

“The death of unity”

Looting your customer base.

Found out that my granddad owned a .22 pistol in the 60s which was honestly out of character

Then my dad tells me that granddad accidentally shot a puffin at one point during target practice and was so disgusted he immediately threw the gun into the ocean

Like, within 10 min 😄

“I think I kind of hate lazy loading – Terence Eden’s Blog”

I ran into this quite a bit back when I lived in the UK. Lazy loading can get quite counterproductive if your internet is sporadic.

“Team size isn’t a measure of success - Jacob Kaplan-Moss”

“Your feedback means more to small teams | daverupert.com”

“On exponential growth of LLMs”

LLMs aren’t growing exponentially. Even if they were their capabilities don’t grow with their size. Often they even regress or stagnage.

“Can Large Language Models Reason?”

See Betteridge’s law

On a dataset of programming challenges, GPT-4 solved 10 out of 10 problems that had been published before 2021 (GPT-4’s pre-training cutoff date) and zero out of 10 problems that had been published after 2021.

“If a hammer was like AI…”

A new weeknote, where I talk about dev environments, cross origin isolation, Dario Argento, and Jack Sholder.


“Ian Betteridge - No, the UK government did not back down on its plans to spy on encrypted messages”

“TBM 242: The Simplicity Fetish - by John Cutler”

“The hardest part of building software is not coding, it’s requirements”

The problems have become bigger, harder to fix, and more costly, but the source of the problem is usually the same: The requirements were unclear, inconsistent, or wrong.

We’re pretty much caught up on the history of my amateur photography. Around 25 years of photos

Currently in a slow period. Creativity has cycles. Too much going on, too little time or energy left over for any sort of thoughtful practice

That’s okay. This too shall pass

The view from my balcony of the commercial greenhouse next door. The sun is setting.

Other than the ravens, 2023 was light on photography for me.

The highlight was probably our trip to Hlíðarendi (of Njálssaga fame) and Oddi, where Sæmundur Fróði was a priest. Like most sites of historical interest in Iceland, it was light on tourists

A view through the window in the church at HlíðarendiThe church at HlíðarendiThe fence by Oddi and the cemetary by the church at Oddi.

And once in a blue moon you’d get a raven that’d just post for you. Pretty far away on the top of a streetlight, mind, but still. Pose.

A raven perches on a streetlight and surveys its domainA raven walks up to the top of the streetlight.

The thing about youths of any species is that they Do Not Sit Still. It’s a universal law. And my camera isn’t particularly great at capturing fast-moving subjects. Sometimes that resulted in pictures I still liked, though.

And occasionally they did sit still long enough

A blurry photo of a raven hopping from branch to branchA raven flying almost out of frameFinally, a raven sitting still long enough for a photo