“Elegant and powerful new result that seriously undermines large language models”

Like I’ve been saying for a while now: LLMs do not think or reason. They are not on the path to AGI. They are extremely limited correlation and text synthesis machines.

‘”AI”, and the trouble with inaccessible SaaS - localghost’

“Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gone rogue”

“Google Books – search results confuse reviewers with authors – Terence Eden’s Blog”

“Patterns for Reactivity with Modern Vanilla JavaScript | Frontend Masters”

I see that AI boosters advocating we change copyright law, globally, in ways that contravene established law and practice in most countries, and are incompatible with a number of international treaties, just to give AI works copyright protection

That’s very unlikely to happen

“Adactio: Links—Statement on Generative AI | Ben Myers”

“Statement on Generative AI | Ben Myers”

Agree completely.

“Building like it’s 1984: A comprehensive guide to creating intuitive context menus - Height”

Interesting overview of what context menus do. They’re one of those things, tho, that nobody gets right if implementing from scratch. I’ve never seen a web app pull it off

“ChatGPT Caught Giving Horrible Advice to Cancer Patients”

Like I’ve said in the past: this AI bubble is likely to kill people and everybody hyping it is contributing to that risk.

“Don’t prematurely optimize for performance | Go Make Things”

“Why I chose Codepen PRO over Copilot - CodePen Blog”

“Why I chose Codepen Pro over Copilot”

So, the standard advice in any creative industry on improving your work is that step 1 is to read/watch/listen to a lot of other people’s work. I am really strongly of the opinion that the same applies to software dev. Read code. Lots of it

“Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff hiring boomerang employees”

I’ve been saying over the past year that the layoffs were irrefutable evidence tech CEOs are incompetent. Well, after hiring people and laying them off, these clowns are rehiring the people they laid off after hiring

“Why not React? - DEV Community”

“CSS Shorthand Syntax Considered an Anti-Pattern – CSS Wizardry – Web Performance Optimisation”

This is good advice.

“Accessibility is not binary | Erik Kroes - Accessibility Consultant”

“Writers: use the Spoken Content accessibility feature to have your Mac and iPad read words and help you proof text”

This is a useful tactic for those who can’t just read the text aloud themselves because it would disturb the coworkers/family/cat

“AI data training companies like Scale AI are hiring poets - Rest of World”


“Bullet Points: Oh-just-shut-up edition - by Dave Karpf”

“Blocking AI Scraper Bots - Chris Coyier”

“Adactio: Links—Get it shipped — building better relationships with Devs”

“Get it shipped — building better relationships with Devs | by Ness Grixti | Sep, 2023 | Redesigning Design Systems”

“Impostor phenomenon’s origin story — Chocolate and Vodka”

Interesting deep dive.

“Microsoft AI researchers mistakenly leaked 38TB of company data”

Reporting on all of Microsoft’s security booboos would be a full-time job, but I’d just like to reiterate: 1. They’re consistently bad at security. 2. These are the adults in the room when it comes to AI vendors.