“The Three Cs: Concatenate, Compress, Cache – Harry Roberts – Web Performance Consultant”
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“The Three Cs: Concatenate, Compress, Cache – Harry Roberts – Web Performance Consultant”
“The Techno-Optimist Manifesto | Andreessen Horowitz”
This manifesto is one of the more horrific documents I’ve read lately, largely because of how normalised its rhetoric has become
It’s fascism. Like falangism with the catholicism swapped out for the prosperity doctrine
Might as well link to this again, since I’m here:
“The Elegiac Hindsight of Intelligent Machines”
On how the software we’re making today is the opposite of the software we need.
This week’s notes post! www.baldurbjarnason.com/2023/week…
Has notes on burnout in the industry, links to the book extract I published, an almost announcement, cat pictures, and more.
“Report finds few open source projects actively maintained | InfoWorld”
Strongly considering unsubscribing from Disney + and only resubscribing when the next season of Only Murders is out. (Only Murders is on D+ outside of the states.)
“Adactio: Journal—Increment by increment”
That’s great company to be in.
‘“Maybe I’ll never feel that motivation again.” | by Sara Wachter-Boettcher | Nice Work | Medium’
So, for this #caturday I’d like to celebrate the fact that my sister’s rescue, Kolka, has been with her for over a year. Starting off as a skittish semi-feral who we worried would never acclimate to people. Now she loves meeting people and getting scritches
We’re not far from not having a Web left. It’s been so captured by pathologies of command and control that it’s falling apart at the seams and life is draining from it
“We need web progress, not pessimism”
I disagree with the premise of this post. Progress requires a recognition of what needs to be fixed and what needs to be replaced and that’s always going to be seen as negative and pessimistic
“Meta in Myanmar, Part IV: Only Connect”
Our new platforms and tools for global connection have been born into a moment in which the worst and most powerful bad actors, both political and commercial, are already prepared to exploit every vulnerability.
I just published “The Elegiac Hindsight of Intelligent Machines”
It’s essentially the finale to my book, The Intelligence Illusion, extracted into an essay and as such is much more of a personal take on the state of modern software than the rest of the book.
“Scrollbars are becoming a problem”
The current state of scrollbars is, on the face of it, objective evidence that the people who run tech do not give a single solitary fuck about usability or UX
The single most impactful thing you can do is use your devices for longer. (I upgrade my devices rougly every 5 years, which I suspect is uncommon)
“Fast(er) JavaScript on WebAssembly: Portable Baseline Interpreter and Future Plans”
This is interesting.
“AI’s Electricity Use Is Spiking So Fast It’ll Soon Use as Much Power as an Entire Country”
Between this and crypto, the tech industry’s innovations seem to be doing a good job of nullifying whatever progress we make on the climate crisis.
The first snows have hit my area of Iceland. Both of the main roads are closed (or about to be).
They should be open again later today but it’s still annoying how early it’s happening this year.