‘“Human error” means they don’t understand how the system worked – Surfing Complexity’

“The surprising connection between after-hours work and decreased productivity | Slack”

Surprising? This is literally literally what almost every post-WW2 productivity study has told us and has been the consensus in work and organisational psychology since the seventies

So, Mastodon users are super fond of snitch tagging, huh?

I thought we had left that kind of shit behind at Twitter.

‘cohost! - “enshittification is what happens when a disney adult learns about captialism”’

enshittification is not what companies become, it’s what companies set out to be. enshittification is talked about as if it’s an affliction affecting capitalism, rather than the desired outcome.

“Correctly Configure (Pre) Connections – Harry Roberts – Web Performance Consultant”

“EU AI Act briefing”

I’ll need to update my post on the draft to note that the final version was watered down into uselessness.

“iA Writer in Paper”

I won’t ever buy one of these, but this is supremely cool.

“is-land Web Component—zachleat.com”

One of the more versatile custom elements around.

‘Google calls Drive data loss “fixed,” locks forum threads saying otherwise | Ars Technica’

One more incident and Google will have pulled a full “dysfunctional organisation falling apart because of ill-conceived lay-offs” hat trick

Medium has become the place where blog posts go to die, hasn’t it?

“Michael Tsai - Blog - FastSpring Risk Screening”

I had a very rough time dealing with payment providers initially. FastSpring has hidden costs. And I tried to get approved by Paddle multiple times, but they replied with “you and your products look like fraud” every time

“CSS Wrapped: 2023!  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers”

A lot of good stuff got cross-browser support this year.

“Please, Expose your RSS • Robb Knight”

I second this.

“The Invokers Are Coming Part II | That HTML Blog”

Very excited about this one since it looks like cross-browser support looks very likely.

“Is AI leading to a reproducibility crisis in science?”

“AI” research itself has had a massive reproducibility crisis for years. But the more these tools spread into other fields, the more those fields will be affected by the inherent snake-oil nature of “AI”


Who ever got promoted for deleting Google code? We revel in the code we have. It’s huge and complex.

A talk that Rob Pike held at Google in 2009

This one’s dedicated to all of the reply-guys on Mastodon 🙂️

“Don’t be a correctness bully”

“NLRB Files Case Against Mozilla for Not Hiring Apple Labor Activist - Bloomberg”

The possibility that an ostensibly open and independent organisation like Mozilla has blacklisted a potential hire because of labour activism at Apple is very disconcerting

“Five-Second Testing: Taking A Closer Look At First Impressions (Case Study) — Smashing Magazine”

Surprisingly in depth.

“SQLite Myths | Fractaled Mind”

“Fediverse Governance Successes & Gaps | Tiny Subversions”

Then we are going to make strong recommendations for how open source projects, philanthropic funders, civil society organizations, and others can co-create a Fediverse that is safer and better for humanity

“Root & Branch - Erin Kissane’s small internet website”

This sounds cool.

“Baseline’s evolution on MDN | MDN Blog”

This is really useful, but it feels a bit weird that it took them a couple of iterations to arrive at a definition for “widely supported” that actually meant widely supported.

The interesting thing about the Invokers proposal isn’t just the ability to wire together existing elements without JS but that it introduces a new standard contract for invocations that you can use in your own custom elements


A slightly simpler newsletter entry this week: links, so many links. And a few of the photos I posted on social media as a bonus.

“Code smell, Gall’s Law, the rule of least power, and a bunch of links”