Whenever you encounter the phrase “to be clear, I am not against the idea of regulations” in social media or on a blog, you just know you’re about to read some bullshit that makes you lose respect for the writer.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
Whenever you encounter the phrase “to be clear, I am not against the idea of regulations” in social media or on a blog, you just know you’re about to read some bullshit that makes you lose respect for the writer.
“Software Is Beating The World”
Effective Accelerationists are not builders; they’re crybabies that won’t accept the world as it is, desperate to build rickety empires with total awareness of the short and long-term consequences that they assume they’re immune to.
“Software Is Beating The World”
In many ways, venture capital hasn’t incentivized creating companies at all, with genuine early-stage businesses sidelined in favor of pumping dollars into vehicles to consume market share until they can be sold.
“Facebook Is Being Overrun With Stolen, AI-Generated Images That People Think Are Real”
This kind of view is a bit disconcerting. Kinda glad the view from Hveragerði was more limited. “Is that light on the horizon I see through the snowfall the eruption or is it just bog-standard light pollution? I can’t tell.” 😝
“Bad AI Business Models, Lazy AI Criticism, Queer Holiday-themed movies, and a bunch of links”
First weeknotes in a while. Also first movie note in a weeknote in a while.
It’s the time of the year where I explain to weary relatives and family members why Love, Actually is a horrible movie about horrible people and why anybody who enjoys it is displaying extremely poor judgement.
That thing when a series of dev influencers all in unison say that some feature has arrived—as if you could actually use it—when it has only landed in Chrome Canary. 😑
“inessential: On Mastodon Support in NetNewsWire”
IMO the only sensible conclusion.
“MongoDB issues weekend warning of breach • The Register”
Breaking the trend, this is not a case of a company becoming dysfunctional through lay-offs. MongoDB has always been dysfunctional. IIRC this is the third compromise of some sort in five years?
“Rebuilding emoji-picker-element on a custom framework | Read the Tea Leaves”
I do enjoy the low-light photos the iPhone takes even without all of the super-heavy computational stuff. But then again I’ve always liked grainy black and white pictures 🙂
If these laws had been in place back in the 2000s, I’d almost certainly have a criminal record, after having been arrested at an anti-war or pro-refugee protest
“Baseline Does Not Really Cover Baseline Support — Adrian Roselli”
This one climbed up onto my balcony in an attempt to inspect the bird feeder before I shooed her away.
Usually, I only get the random unrelated tourism results in my duckduckgo searches, but the contagion has spread to Google now as well
I don’t know how Google got “Hotel in Breiðholt” from my query. I should have just searched directly in IMDB
“The Trouble with European Green Electricity Certificates - Industry Decarbonization Newsletter”
This system is so utterly fucking stupid. This is what we’re doing to fight the climate crisis? Sheesh.
“A (more) Modern CSS Reset - Piccalilli”
This is a very reasonable set of defaults. I disagree the list-style thing. Safari decision was based on what they heard from their users and I don’t think I have a strong enough case for my preference to override it
The rest is great, tho
Where I relentlessly mock “the world’s first AI-powered news network” for being such a dumb business idea that it’s indistinguishable from parody.
“Etsy lays off 225 workers after ‘essentially flat’ sales, says CEO”
Shrinking your profitable company—sabotaging its ability to function—to make it grow faster is obviously dumb, even without the tons of research and case studies that show it doesn’t work
You all will, perhaps, forgive me for having a bit of fun with this one.
I just published “Bad Business AI: Channel 1” over on the blog.
All about a tech industry staple: grand business ventures by people who genuinely don’t have a clue about what they’re doing.