“Develop Mastery by Revisiting the Basics - Jorge Arango”
This doesn’t apply to just apps. If you ever start feeling stuck with CSS, JS or HTML, take a step back and give yourself a win by revisiting the basics.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“Develop Mastery by Revisiting the Basics - Jorge Arango”
This doesn’t apply to just apps. If you ever start feeling stuck with CSS, JS or HTML, take a step back and give yourself a win by revisiting the basics.
“Can I include a tag to a tag? Based on HTML Spec WHATWG”
Useful more often than you’d think.
“Pair programming sucks - Go Make Things”
Don’t know which bucket I’d fall into as I’ve never managed to convince a manager that it wasn’t a waste of resources so never got the chance to try.
“(the return of) Tables, Tequila and Beer – HTML Accessibility”
“Decoupling HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in design systems - Go Make Things”
Been doing a bit of research in various JS/web dev online communities and, wow, there’s a lot of bad advice out there. Stuff like “you should never use the form element in a modern framework” 😰
“You should be ready, willing, and able to read the source code of your dependencies -> Changelog”
This is great advice. And getting into the habit of reading other people’s code will improve your own.
“Let’s Talk about Native HTML Tabs - daverupert.com”
Interesting proposal. Could work.
This is really good advice.
“CSS { In Real Life } - Evaluating Clever CSS Solutions”
I’m not the only one worried about the popularity of ‘clever’ solutions in the CSS community.
I wrote a short blog post on reading for skills development: you need to change how you read and apply new reading strategies if you don’t want to plateau.
“How I Structure My CSS (for Now) · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”
Is ITCSS the most influential CSS strategy that nobody really talks about? See it’s influence almost everywhere these days.
I guess winter has arrived.
“Software developers have stopped caring about reliability”
This x1000. There’s been a shift in software dev away from reliability and usability. All of the incentives line up against them.
Remember this Chrome headless bug that I’ve been obsessing about?
Turns out that this is a known bug in Chrome headless on Linux. To fix it either turn off hinting or subpixel positioning
“Custom properties with defaults: 3+1 strategies – Lea Verou”
I don’t mind the verbose solution, personally, but these are all good tactics.
“Implementing form filling and accessibility in the Firefox PDF viewer – Attack & Defense”
PDF.js is an amazing library. I just wish it were better documented.
“The dark side of Eureka: Artificially induced Aha moments make facts feel true - ScienceDirect”