“Dropping Support For IE11 Is Progressive Enhancement · The Ethically-Trained Programmer”
“Surfacing Required Knowledge”
“You are dependent on a living experience embodied by your team, and it’s near impossible to divorce your system’s ongoing success from its people.”
Interesting times. www.facebook.com/watch/
This continues to be the month where everything happens www.ruv.is/frett/202…
“prefers-reduced-motion: Taking a no-motion-first approach to animations”
“HEAD - A free guide to elements
Exhaustive and useful
“Good, Better, Best: Untangling The Complex World Of Accessible Patterns — Smashing Magazine”
“Closing web browser windows doesn’t close connections”
“Here’s why Substack’s scam worked so well - The Hypothesis”
This feels less surprising than it probably should have been.
“The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It? – O’Reilly”
I might quibble with the details of this but the overall thrust seems on point, specifically on the division between the operating and betting economies
“Large projects have virtually no chance of coming in on time, on budget, and within scope.”
This research is seven years’ old but I highly doubt this has changed.
(PDF) http://athena.ecs.csus.edu/~buckley/CSc231_files/Standish_2013_Report.pdf
“Low Priority Issues + Time = Relationship Killer - Stay SaaSy”
“A common and tragic pattern exists across all relationships - minor issues, left unfixed for long enough, have an outsized impact on the relationship”