‘Thelma Grétars on Instagram: “Pepper challenge with awesome people and freezing cold -12 degrees!’
Íslendingar… 🤷🏻♂️
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
‘Thelma Grétars on Instagram: “Pepper challenge with awesome people and freezing cold -12 degrees!’
Íslendingar… 🤷🏻♂️
I’ve seen this first hand a couple of times. It’s a brutal experience that I do not recommend. (Twitter thread but a good read.)
“Pixels of the Week – March 28, 2021 by Stéphanie Walter - UX designer & Mobile Expert.”
“Poker, blacksmithery, and other activities that teach a way to see the world (Interconnected)”
Aside from the atrocious UI which is a constant across all of these platforms, what annoys me about Google’s Cloud is that I’ve never managed to get any of their GitHub integrations working. Something to do with two-factor auth on my account
“Web Development History – Internet history for developers and the technically curious”
“Not Just a New Feature; a New Compact – Jorge Arango”
“The upshot is that adding a new ‘feature’ can transform the nature of the place.”
“More on Penguin Random House distributing Marvel Comics - The Beat”
This is, no joke, a major transformation of the English language comics market.
This is a clever trick.
“Substack’s UI and 1Password just cost me $2,023 - Timmy O’Mahony”
The names of the various input fields associated with payments are now de facto standardised. Reusing them for other things is not a good idea
“Adactio: Journal—Service worker weirdness in Chrome
Ran into this exact same thing the other day but never quite figured out what was going on. This explanation sounds plausible.
10 years ago this one-liner would have blown my mind Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(new FormData(event.target)).entries());
“CSS Is, In Fact, Awesome - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”
CSS is my favourite part of the web dev stack.
“A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine”
Looks like a page I’ll be referring to regularly