I wonder how many devs who have an atavistic rejection of using eval realise that innerHTML is even more dangerous and also evaluates code. How many of them religiously avoid eval, even when it would be the best solution but then ‘innerHTML’ everything?

Knowledge work requires trust. Basecamp’s new policies was management declaring that staff had lost their trust. That made working there untenable. Irrespective of context or politics

(Then the entire thing becomes even more damning taking politics and context into consideration)

“Molly Sanden – Húsavík (live at the Oscars)”

I completely unironically love both this song and the movie.

“The True Meaning of Technical Debt 💸 - Refactoring”

“The social contract of open source”

“Fusion on Apple Silicon: Progress Update - VMware Fusion Blog - VMware Blogs”

Virtualisation on the M1 is now a thing.

“New WebKit Features in Safari 14.1 - WebKit”

“How to Create Actions for Selected Text With the Selection API”

Caveat: shadow DOM and selection APIs do not mix and there is no solution on the horizon.

‘Your Team is Not “Them” - CSS-Tricks’

Good advice.

“Two charms”

136 things every web developer should know before they burn out and turn to landscape painting or nude modelling – Baldur Bjarnason

The Firefox crasher on this blog post should be fixed. The culprit was a conic-gradient CSS background. Will write up later today.

136 facts every web dev should know before they burn out and turn to landscape painting or nude modelling

Cheeky tone; serious topics: failure demand, dev as pop culture, frameworks, OSS, and more

“A Complete Guide to Custom Properties - CSS-Tricks”

“🚨 What really happened at Basecamp - Platformer”

“Custom Elements Without JavaScript? - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”

I’ve done this quite a bit in the past. The benefit over using classes or attributes for hooking styles is lower specificity so it won’t conflict with component styles.

“iOS 14.5 brings the new Safari 14.1 to PWAs and the Web Platform - firt.dev”

“shape-outside - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets - MDN”

TIL that shape-outside has decent support in modern browsers.

“Exploring color-contrast() for the First Time - CSS-Tricks”

This would be really useful.

“All the Futures that Will Not Happen - Ian Welsh”

“The Rise of The Four Day Work Week – Paul Taylor”

Many managers would become more opposed to a four day work week if they believed it to be more productive. Their primary mentality is punitive. As Deming said, nobody gives a hoot about profits.

“HTML Sanitizer API”

This is a great idea. Hope it gets implemented. Kind of wonder why Chromers have been wasting time on Bluetooth or USB APIs that other browsers won’t implement when low-hanging fruit like this is still unpicked.

“Cryptocurrency is an abject disaster”

“The True Meaning of Technical Debt 💸 - Refactoring”

“Ward describes debt as the natural result of writing code about something we don’t have a proper understanding of.”

I wonder if JSX fans would’ve used E4X?

If we as a community had been more open to the ‘XMLisation’ of the web, might frameworks like React have been built using mostly native xml-based syntax primitives?


Compared to Canadian and British banks, Icelandic online banking is far better in every way. Which is strange because Icelandic banks are smaller, have fewer resources, but still have to deal with a complicated regulatory environment, operating under EU regulations.