“Design for reading: tips for optimizing content for Reader modes and reading apps”
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“Design for reading: tips for optimizing content for Reader modes and reading apps”
“Solve The Problem You’ve Got, Not The One You Want”
‘I strongly encourage developers to solve the problem in front of them, and not to meander off’
“The economics of JavaScript web apps - Mike Carter”
Been saying this for a while but tech, paradoxically, doesn’t actually like to pay attention to costs.
“Sexism, Racism, Toxic Positivity, and TailwindCSS”
“The criticisms aren’t incorrect or invalid, and they need to be stated.”
“inessential: What It Was Like to Sell Apps Online in 2003”
I haven’t bought software in a physical box since the 90s. Apple pretending that online-sold software was invented with the App Store is disgraceful
“Stop wasting time on the backlog! - by Thorbjørn Sigberg - Medium”
“Mac-Like – Worms and Viruses”
The excellent ‘Mac-like’ third party apps are the only reason why I miss using the Mac.
“The Limitations of Economies of Scale”
Scale often increases costs but because it also moves it around that isn’t immediately obvious to managers
“On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules”
A classic 25 year old paper.
“The State of CSS Cross-Browser Development - Ahmad Shadeed”
“Shadow DOM and Its Effect on the Unofficial Styling API - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”
“🚨 How Basecamp blew up - Platformer”
Idle thought: most Open Source Software, certainly most OSS on npm, shouldn’t be OSS but should instead be educational resources: blog posts, online courses, video tutorials, etc. You’d both have fewer burned out OSS maintainers and fewer dependency exploits that way.
“GitHub - justjavac/proxy-www: 学会 Proxy 就可以为所欲为吗?对,学会 Proxy 就可以为所欲为!”
This is clever.