Here’s a minimal Makefile for transforming JS with esbuild

js_files := $(shell find src -name "*.js" -print)
js_targets := $(addprefix dist/, $(js_files))
.PHONY: js
js: $(js_targets)
dist/%.js: %.js
	@npx esbuild $? $(FLAGS) --outfile=$@ --format=esm --log-level=error

“The High Bar of Expectations Can Crush Our Creativity - zen habits zen habits”

“GitHub OCTO - Flat Data”

This is clever.

“Subtext: markup for note-taking - Subconscious”

Is cross-posting down? None of the usual tricks to bump it into cross-posting when its stuck seem to be working.

(Seriously tired of’s cross-posting bugs, which is all I’m really using it for.)

I’m hesitant to express my opinions about web development when I’m reliably employed…

…but feel free to air controversial web dev opinions when I’m freelancing*

Should be the other way around, right?

(* I’m available! See… )

I kinda get the feeling sometimes that a lot of people aren’t aware that you can use nunjucks or liquid templates outside of a static site generator. You don’t have to run the whole SSG in a lambda to dynamically render html on the server. You could just use nunjucks in a lambda

“Annoy a medievalist Bingo – Going Medieval”

“on average modern workers work far more than workers in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, for example”

Most people don’t appreciate just how much we work in modern society.

“svg-loader: A Different Way to Work With External SVG - CSS-Tricks”

This article claims that external urls in tag don’t work in Safari but the article it links to says no such thing

I see Basecamp is celebrating their sudden influx of white supremacist customers.

(Ultra-nationalist media were the only outlets that covered Basecamp’s mistakes in a positive light. It’s near certain that most of these new customers come via these outlets.)

“Classes vs. prototypal inheritance in vanilla JS - Go Make Things”

Good overview. I’d only add that you need to use classes if you want to subclass built-ins, such as when you make a custom element.

The saddest thing about the Basecamp drama is how common it is. Bosses at an SMB mismanage their way into a crisis. Lose 20-40% of the staff over a fairly short period. Learn nothing because those who left were just “troublemakers”

Know first- or second-hand of around 4-5 cases

“Google revives RSS - TechCrunch”

RSS never died and now, in the pop culture that is software, it seems to be back in fashion.

“Review: Panic’s Nova 2021 – a VS Code and Sublime Text beater? – Ben Frain”

The one thing I truly miss from the Mac are the third party apps.

“Age of Invention: Did the Ottomans Ban Print? - Age of Invention, by Anton Howes”

I don’t know whether JS build configs have just gotten incredibly complicated or whether I’m finding unixisms easier to understand in my middle age, but all of a sudden Makefiles seem like a sensible and manageable option.

“Accessibility is hard. It’s also your job. - Go Make Things”

“Robin Rendle ・ The Cage”

“The most important thing I learned in art college - by Andrew Coyle - NextUX - Medium”

“Designing Between the Lines - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”

“No Utopias: Gerard O’Neill, Gundam, and the Illusion of Space Colonization – ZIMMERIT – Anime - Manga - Garage Kits - Doujinshi”

“Pixels of the Week – May 16, 2021 by Stéphanie Walter - UX designer & Mobile Expert.”

“Adactio: Journal—The cage”

The OSS bubble that is and the blogging bubble that was – Baldur Bjarnason

“The biggest problem—and this isn’t limited to web development—is how it has baked exploitation into the core worldview of so many people.”

Me, on the OSS bubble in web dev

“Why Bad CEOs Fear Remote Work - Scott Berkun”