“npm audit: Broken by Design”

Every node project I’ve worked on since npm audit was rolled out has suffered from these issues.

“Trusted Types - mid 2021 report - Google Docs”

I wrote a thing on how our reading of techno-utopianists and techno-pessimists is coloured by our community, causing us to disregard warnings. I ponder the damage we let happen while re-reading 15 year old posts


“The Mindset That Kills Product Thinking – Help your organization focus on successful outcomes”

“Reactions to Amazon’s Purchase of MGM — Pixel Envy”

“Yale Law Journal - Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox”

Am I right in thinking that the main precedent letting companies like GitHub claim that their machine learning training sets represent ‘fair use’ of the original media (despite being the tool’s primary source of value) is the Author’s Guild vs Google case on book scanning?

“Techno-Feudalism Is Taking Over by Yanis Varoufakis - Project Syndicate”

“Tabs in HTML?”

“Fail whale. Fail Captain Ahab. Fail Ishmael. Fail the Pequod and her whole damn crew! Oh, just @&$% a %!&@$, fail all of Twitter! - Airbag Industries”

“Health Check – Lucy Bellwood”

“Is GitHub a derivative work of GPL’d software?”

“CA habitat restoration used beavers to restore Placer - The Sacramento Bee”

export default thing is different to export { thing as default } - JakeArchibald.com”

“The Decision Diamond: a simple and effective prioritisation technique - Joe Leech”

“6 Ways to Reduce Cognitive Demand When Designing UX - by Alexander Rådahl - May, 2021 - UX Planet”

“Pixels of the Week – July 4, 2021 by Stéphanie Walter - UX designer & Mobile Expert.”

“What if infosecbikini is a CIA psyop? Also, Github Copilot is just 21st century enclosure of the commons.”

“The amorality of Web 2.0 - ROUGH TYPE”

This 2005 blog post by Nicholas Carr looks pretty prescient in hindsight, no?

“Jaron Lanier Interview on What Went Wrong With the Internet”

“The truth is that we totally have screwed over younger generations”

“Bruce Lawson’s personal site  : prefers-reduced-motion and browser defaults”

“My theory on why advertising is so terrible – Terence Eden’s Blog”

“Remote Work Is Always Efficient But Efficient Isn’t Always Effective – Paul Taylor”

“Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to… — programming is terrible”

“Back to the Bad Old Days of the Web – Jorge Arango”

Google is as bad a steward of the web as Microsoft was, albeit for different reasons (advertising dominance instead of desktop dominance).