Six years ago I wrote this… “The web has covered the basics — that’s why it’ll get harder from now”

… postulating that future standardisation was going to get more fraught.

“How Not To Be A Jerk • Robin Rendle”

That feeling when your best received work in a long while is a screenshot of something you made ten years ago 😅

Looking back at old designs for my weblog, I kind of miss the simpler, more book-like designs I was trying for a decade ago.

A screen shot of a blog post with a decade old design, looks a bit like a page out of a book

Only just now realised that my flickr feed from about 15 years ago is still online…

“Adactio: Journal—Resigning from the AMP advisory committee”

“Whenever a representative from Google showed up at an advisory committee meeting, it was clear that they viewed AMP as a Google product.”

“Stress systems. — Ethan Marcotte”

“You don’t start by fixing the system. You start by relieving the stress.”

Very broadly applicable.

“Stay alert”

“If alert is fair game for removal, then so is every API we add to the platform if the web’s future stewards deem it harmful.”

“CSS Transforms tutorial”

“Cool URIs and Image Hotlinking - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”

“Notes on the Perfidy of Dashboards –”

“Google vs. the web - Go Make Things”

Chromers are so argumentative and condescending that they regularly make the right thing sound like the wrong thing. And in this case, the wrong thing sound like the dumbest idea ever.

Odds are that updating an established app, site, or service just to keep its look ‘fresh’ is just going to cost you users in the long run.

“ongoing by Tim Bray · Apps Getting Worse”

This is happening more than it used to. (Possibly because it used to be okay to just not update an app or OS component that was fine as it was.)

Most of those who are writing about the web and media these days haven’t read Amusing Ourselves to Death and it shows

“Chrome is Not the Standard · Chris Krycho”

“Browsers and Representation - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”

“Apple’s photo scanning and our state of forced collective paranoia (Interconnected)”

One recurring issue that keeps popping up in the years I’ve been on the web, acerbated by social media, is that most people do not seem capable of anything more than quick surface reading of a text

They won’t do any sort of deeper reading or research, even on things that matter

“See Xena stars Lucy Lawless, Renee O’Connor reunion on My Life Is Murder”

Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor are the absolute greatest. (I was so obsessed with Xena back in the day.)

“About Web Components. It was the year 1998 when W3C proposed… - by Andrea Giammarchi - Aug, 2021 - Medium”

Decent overview of the history and current state of things.

“Handling properties in custom element upgrades - Read the Tea Leaves”

“Adactio: Journal—A Few Notes on A Few Notes on The Culture”

‘Deming: “Cease Dependence on Inspection” - Think Different’

“Exploring the SameSite cookie attribute for preventing CSRF”

In every project where I’ve set the SameSite setting to anything other than “none” Oauth-style logins have broken in at least one browser. 😑