One of my favourites.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
One of my favourites.
‘“Worst cloud vulnerability you can imagine” discovered in Microsoft Azure - Ars Technica’
Have used mammoth.js in a few projects myself.
“Jimmy Wales on Constraints for Bad Behavior – Jorge Arango”
“if you design for the worst people, then you’re failing to design for good people.”
“The Rise Of User-Hostile Software - Den Delimarsky”
This is directly relevant to what I was writing about in Software Crisis 2.0
“Start small - Go Make Things”
This! Not just for those who are learning. Always start small. Even when the plan is to eventually do something big, start off with something small.
“Software Crisis 2.0 – Baldur Bjarnason”
I decided to dump everything I’ve learned that’s relevant to software project failure into a single essay. Why it happens. Why it’s so common. Some thoughts on how to do better.
“Wax On, Wax Off. There’s Value In Simple Exercises. – Codemanship’s Blog”
I may have finished writing almost 9000 words on software project failure to publish later this week.
There must be something wrong with me. This is almost certainly going to tank.
The next article link I clicked in my feed reader did exactly this, to an uncanny degree. Good job industry!
It feels like every time I come across an interesting-looking series on Netflix made by Netflix, the wikipedia page says something along the lines of “cancelled after one season, ends on a cliffhanger.”
Every time gets the character count wrong on a post and cross-posts a truncated version that I could have easily fixed, I get this strong strong urge to just dump it and switch to something self-hosted. It’s a small issue but it’s constant.
It’s so so frustrating.
“Is Safari the new Internet Explorer?”
They detail how the biggest Safari issues are a result of Apple’s overall software strategy, which is detrimental to all of Apple’s software. (Semi-annual marketing releases. Culture of secrecy. Allergic to criticism.)
Is there something in the employee handbook at Google that mandates that they be condescending and arrogant when discussing web standards?
Feels like a daily pattern.
Got a booster shot Monday. Icelandic authorities feel there’s preliminary data indicating that the Janssen vaccine might not be particularly effective against Delta so they offered booster shots for those of us who got it.
Took me out of commission for a whole day 😅
This post is an experiment. I had a go at revisiting an almost decade old blog post on the nature of interactive media. It was fun to write and rewrite but I have no idea how it reads 😄