“Adactio: Links—404PageFound – Active Vintage Websites, Old Webpages, and Web 1.0”
“404PageFound – Active Vintage Websites, Old Webpages, and Web 1.0”
“Replacing broken avatar images with background SVG Emoji – Terence Eden’s Blog”
“Online Trolls Also Jerks in Real Life: Aarhus University Study”
“Review Notes: Shape Up. These notes are based off of the v 1.7… - by John Cutler - Medium”
Interesting review of Shape Up that articulates how a lot of it is a rediscovery of ideas and principles that have been around for a while.
E.W.Dijkstra: The strengths of the academic enterprise
“The second reason is that what society overwhelmingly asks for is snake oil. Of course, the snake oil has the most impressive names —otherwise you would be selling nothing”
“Google Chrome to remove detailed cookie and site data controls”
“Adactio: Links—A/A Testing: How I increased conversions 300% by doing absolutely nothing”
“A/A Testing: How I increased conversions 300% by doing absolutely nothing”
“Some simple advice for Apple and app developers: It’s not about you”
“GitHub Copilot – Productivity Boon or Considered Harmful?”
“What I’ve noticed is that the developers who copy and paste a lot tend to pick things up slower – if ever.”
“We get what the business model wants - Seth’s Blog”
Truth in the title. The rest is reasoning.
“technology was going to change everything”
“We experience technology moving through its iterations, and we feel like we are moving as well. And all the while, we’re stuck in the same world with the same problems that have always existed.”
“Tolkien and Amazon’s Fight for a Franchise - by Tim Carmody - Amazon Chronicles”
“How Weak Analogies About Software Can Lead Us Astray – Rich Mironov’s Product Bytes”
The fact that my dad (an organisational psychologist) used to test his management training workshops on me and my sister when we were kids probably explains quite a bit about us 😄