“Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to… — programming is terrible”

“The Gift of It’s Your Problem Now - apenwarr”

So, micro.blog just gives up on the whole posting thing sometimes, huh? You had one job, etc. etc.

One defining part of tech discourse (esp. crypto/web3) is the assumption that US needs and problems are universal. That US problems represent global issues. Believe that and you’ll end up believing that forcing US solutions on the globe, by force even, is a moral imperative


“CSS in 2022 – Bram.us”

So exciting 😁. CSS is easily my favourite part of the web stack.

“CSS and Momentum • Robin Rendle”

“Reading Notes, December 2021 - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”

“A/A Testing: How I increased conversions 300% by doing absolutely nothing”

“NetNewsWire - On Not Being the Free Alternative”

“Add a Service Worker to Your Site - CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks”

Given how fast framework complexity has escalated in the past couple of years, it feels like we’re at the point where not using a framework for web dev could be a strategic advantage for a new startup or company

Definitely having a ‘nothing fucking works’ day.

‘A Response To “Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web?“’

“The javascript ecosystem is simply insanely overly-complicated. Comically so, in fact, given the requirements of most web applications.”

Having another one of those days where micro.blog just won’t do the posting thing

Recent photos from around town

The sun sets behind one of the local greenhouses The road into Hveragerði in the dying light The sun sets behind another one of Hveragerði's greenhouses You guessed it, more greenhouses, they're kind of a big thing here

One of the neighbourhood’s ravens was doing their rounds earlier today

Raven flying between trees Raven flying over my roof

“Michael Tsai - Blog - iOS 15 Autocorrect”

Apple’s software development continues its steady decline.

It’s looking likely that a lot of otherwise staid tech cos will cash in on web3 over the next 2-3 years by offering services that are, essentially, “selling shovels during a gold rush”. Like “sign in with eth” support, blockchain app gateways, secure file hosting for NFTs, etc.

“The human toll of log4j maintenance - DEV Community”

“Crisis or Not? - Think Different”

“Care for the Text - CSS-Tricks”

“(mac)OStalgia – Hello. I’m Michael.”

A bit of Mac Classic nostalgia.

“The Pipeline To Your Corporate Soul - by Alan Cooper - Dec, 2021 - Medium”

Hate it when a type + autocorrect results in you writing the opposite of what you meant. 😝