“Blogging vs. blog setups”


“Entropy, developer experience, and vanilla JS - Go Make Things”

“GIFS and prefers-reduced-motion - CSS-Tricks”

“Product Manager Job Description - Silicon Valley Product Group”

“Lenticular Design - MAGIC: THE GATHERING”

About complexity in game design but entirely relevant to web/app design.

“How to Automate Project Versioning and Releases with Continuous Deployment - CSS-Tricks”

‘“We Don’t Wan’t the Program”. Jill Lepore and danah boyd discuss how… - by Data & Society - Nov, 2020 - Data & Society: Points’

This is excellent

“Adactio: Links—Copying is the way design works – Matthew Ström: designer & developer”

“Copying is the way design works – Matthew Ström: designer & developer”

“What is this Gemini thing anyway, and why am I excited about it?”

“Questionable Advice: The Trap of The Premature Senior”

“Why Life Can’t Be Simpler”

“The first lesson from Tesler’s law of the conservation of complexity is that how simple something looks is not a reflection of how simple it is to use.”

“Discovery - Delivery - Silicon Valley Product Group”

“Mac OS Big Sur logbook (9) - More UI refinements - Riccardo Mori”

“The Principles Of Visual Communication — Smashing Magazine”

Start simple and change one thing at a time. A lot of good advice here.

“To Add Appeal, First Reduce Anxieties - sharpen.page: A Product Sharpening Service”

“PX, EM or REM Media Queries? - Zell Liew”

“How to build team morale remotely - Know Your Team - Blog”

“A few things I’ve learned about email marketing”

“Software correctness is a lot like flossing”

One issue is that most managers don’t actually care about quality: their focus is feature delivery and and reducing the backlog. Bugs that you haven’t found aren’t in the backlog so they don’t matter yet.

“Adactio: Journal—Portals and giant carousels”

“Adactio: Journal—ARIA in CSS”

“A Guy Walks Into an Apple Store”

Apple is being wasteful

“Introduction to the Zettelkasten Method • Zettelkasten Method”

“Text layout is a loose hierarchy of segmentation - Raph Levien’s blog”