Back in late February/Early March I expected that the death toll due to COVID would eventually top out at a million worldwide. Now we’re about halfway through at around 1 300 00.

I don’t think people appreciate how badly the West (not just the US) has failed this test

“JavaScript Errors in the Wild 2020 - CatchJS”

“We rendered a million web pages to learn how the web breaks”

“Dashboards: a design debate - Clearleft”

“The Business Cost of Slow Site Speed Performance - Viget”

“Backlinking Is Not Very Useful – Often Even Harmful • Zettelkasten Method”

Also a mini case study on making sure your interpretation matches that of other users. Otherwise you end up talking at cross purposes.

“Super simple start to Firebase functions”

“Super simple start to Netlify functions”

“The Cleanest Trick for Autogrowing Textareas - CSS-Tricks”

This is clever

“What Happens When Ed-Tech Forgets? Some Thoughts on Rehabilitating Reputations”

“On Apple’s SwiftUI Header File Documentation — Conrad Stoll”

“On Apple’s Piss-Poor Documentation — Liss is More”

“Adactio: Journal—Upgrades and polyfills”

“What’s the difference between an Interface and an API? - Zell Liew”

“Being a responsible subsystem – Jessitron”

Is there a reason why people in tech only read philosophy when it’s repackaged by a libertarian or an exile from the finance market? (Beyond the obvious neophilia.)

They clearly are interested in the topics philosophers cover, why only read the trade publishing dilettantes?

“20 Macs for 2020: #7 – iBook – Six Colors”

I owned a 1st gen iBook back in the day. Lovely machine.

“Reducing energy waste in digital - Gerry McGovern”

Whenever you hear somebody rave about a notetaking app or methodology you should always bear in mind that there is no evidence of membership in a notetaking cult improving somebodies writing, thinking, or ideation.

It’s busywork for intellectuals.

“Thinking in maps: from the Lascaux caves to knowledge graphs”

“Navigating Organizational Transformation: Let Buildings Be Your Sensei”

“The open office phenomenon underscores another critical flaw that plagues buildings and organizations - not listening to the stakeholders who suffer the consequences of the decisions”

“Learning Through Play”

“Strong Opinions Loosely Held Might be the Worst Idea in Tech - The Glowforge Blog”

“All Them Switches: Responsive Elements and More”

“Utility vs usability”

“Google’s File System Access API is not a standard - Web Platform News”

Google keeps shipping APIs that have no hope of becoming actual standards. Devs keep referring to them as web standards.