Meira helvítis rokið úti.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
Meira helvítis rokið úti.
“There’s No Substitute for In-Person Lectures - Pacific Standard”
“Wayne State Word Warriors release 2020 list“
What does it say about me that I thought that at least three of these words were, y’know, still regular words?
Here’s a tough question from the forum:
“I’m wondering if anyone knows the best practice for putting logical notation/logical symbols symbols in text for accessibility purposes.”
This whole blog is really quite good. Found via a Feedly reccommendation.
“Go toward uncertainty – Jessitron”
“In software development, our job is making decisions. What we need most is knowledge.”
“Hello, I’m Andy and I’m addicted to Twitter - Andy Bell”
I really need to follow the advice here
“Poised for Another Decade of Ed-Tech “Debacles” - Just Visiting”
“Things want to work, not punish errors”
“The fact is that by cutting features, having a few non-terminal bugs, and being somewhat late and over budget, most projects can be salvaged”
“People can read their manager’s mind”
“If something is rotten in an org, the root cause is a manager who doesn’t value the work needed to fix it.”
“PaperWM: tiled window management for GNOME - Julia Evans”
This feels like a neat way of structuring a window manager. Wish I had my Linux machine with me so I could try it.
Counterpoint to “the web is dying” statements.
“Instructure’s Proposed Acquisition is a Bad Risk for Everyone”
“there is a serious gap in the capabilities of HTML: the creation and re-use of notation”
“5 of my favorite hints in the webhint browser extension - Stephanie Stimac’s Blog”
So, I’ll be spending the 9th of January in Toronto (flight stopover that I figured I might as well extend). What do people suggest I do/see/checkout on a cold January day in Toronto? Anybody in Toronto have time for lunch, coffee, or meetup?
Ian does a good job of covering the argument in favour of ChromeOS.
And, as he points out, Microsoft is a major enabler of web-only workflows with the web versions of Office and Visual Studio Online.
I don’t enjoy ChromeOS though like I do the iPad Pro. 🤷🏻♂️
“Managing a core service so people don’t hate it - Andrew Betts”