“Browser-level lazy-loading for CMSs”

“Driving Cultural Change Through Software Choices - by Camille Fournier - Nov, 2020 - Medium”

“The case for Weak Dependencies in JS – Lea Verou”

“Product Leadership Is Hard - Silicon Valley Product Group”

Idle thought of the day: ‘disruptive innovation’ is a Kuhn-style paradigm shift taking place in a business environment and you’ll get a better understanding of what will happen if you read Kuhn instead of Christensen.

In my experience, even smart, well-educated Americans tend to have a hard time understanding how marginal taxes work. So it isn’t surprising that Apple didn’t go that way with their new, lower, Apple “store tax”.

“Day 8: Start with something that works”

Gall’s law strikes again. (Always start with something that works.)

“Nibble Stew: The Nine Phases of an Open Source Project Maintainer”

“5 communication best practices for remote teams - Know Your Team - Blog”

“What are design tokens? - Piccalilli”

“Under-Engineered Responsive Tables - Adrian Roselli”

“Feedback: UIs, Mac pains, hardware, teaching and octal”

“Git is simply too hard -> Changelog”


“Application Trust is Hard, but Apple does it Well — Security Embedded”

“Estimating Cost of Delay – Charles Lambdin”

“Michael Tsai - Blog - Big Sur Bricking MacBook Pros”

Well, that’s that OS upgrade postponed.

“Tuned for the Mac — Audacious”

“Playing with Envision Glasses - Tink - Léonie Watson”

This sounds kind of amazing.

“How do you write simple explanations without sounding condescending?”

“How Do You Know When Society Is About to Fall Apart? - The New York Times”

“X demographic doesn’t use the web anymore, they use apps”.

Computer use is contextual. The exact composition of apps vs web in any given context is governed by a mixture of technical factors, culture, and random chance. Generalising from a single demo is usually a mistake.

‘Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science - The BMJ’

“Politicisation of science was enthusiastically deployed by some of history’s worst autocrats and dictators, and it is now regrettably commonplace in democracies.”

“Jacques Corby-Tuech - Marketers are Addicted to Bad Data”

Marketers are addicted to data because managers demand data and don’t particularly care about its quality. They want a dog and pony show.

“Does Apple really log every app you run? A technical look – Jacopo Jannone - blog”

“MacOS App Security Histrionics — Pixel Envy”

“either my research skills are terrible, or Paul fundamentally misunderstands OCSP and what MacOS is doing.”