“Google Begins Rolling Out New Search Results Page Design That Makes Ads Look Like Regular Results — Pixel Envy”

“Publishers should be fretting over the illness, not its symptoms”

“Rogue Amoeba - Under the Microscope » Blog Archive » Designer Notes: Making a Colour Scheme”

The new Edge browser feels like it’s what Chrome should be but can’t because it’s made by an ad company: built-in tracking prevention, a nice reader mode, collections that support page snippets and full pages, and a user-friendly interface

It’s the Chrome Google can’t make

“Frank Chimero · Redesign: Picking Typefaces”

I’m really enjoying this series.

People are really calling the ending to the Watchmen TV series a cliffhanger? That’s like calling the ending to Inception a cliffhanger. Or saying that Total Recall ends on a cliffhanger because it never resolves whether it’s all dream or reality.

“Kill your productivity: Stuff’s top 40 free browser games for 2020 - Stuff”

“Debugging your application for accessibility - LogRocket Blog”

“Deborah J. Ross: Sexuality in Fantasy”

“Is TypeScript worth it?”

TypeScript is also a poor fit for vanilla JS as its DOM/browser API types have gaps/flaws.

(Inevitably, as DOM APIs were not designed for typescript so there’s a hard upper limit to how good the types can get)

“Call for Publishers: Responsible JavaScript — Jeremy Wagner”

“Practicing the future - A Working Library”

“The Mythical Mythical Man-Month”

This not so much debunks The Mythical Man-Month as it explains the reasoning Brooks put into it and what that means

It doesn’t talk about how it’s sometimes simpler and faster to just keep the team small

“ChaosLife - Paranoid Personality”

I’m old enough to remember watching this live www.youtube.com/watch

“Change is constant - A Working Library”

“Pushing the future of the platform forward with The Web We Want - Stephanie Stimac’s Blog”

“Where Product Ideas Come From — Users Know”

I really should get this book.

“Boring by default”

Hard to do when your job depends on over-engineering and a certain amount of unnecessary pizzazz.

“Traveling as a way to discover yourself and your art — aows”

“Digital Scarcity is a Con – Terence Eden’s Blog”

“The Explicit Coding Discipline”

“Should media be tax exempt?”

Most media VAT ‘discounts’ are specifically structured to protect incumbent companies against new media entrants

“Defining ‘Toast’ Messages - Adrian Roselli”

“Every age needs a Diogenes - Austin Kleon”