“MacBook Pro 16 Has a Fan Problem – On my Om”
Apple’s laptops: still not good.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“MacBook Pro 16 Has a Fan Problem – On my Om”
Apple’s laptops: still not good.
“Frank Chimero · Redesign: The Raccoon King of Garbage Mountain”
As with UI design, software architecture design needs to take the actual business and users into account. Most businesses and most SaaSes doesn’t need microservices or Kubernetes.
The funny thing about ChromeOS is that once you enable both Android apps and Linux apps it becomes this weird unusable Frankenstein’s monster of a mess that’s slower, less usable, and more confusing than even regular old Linux Desktop environments (Gnome, KDE, Elementary, etc).
“Aperture: Senior QA (2004-2005) – Tech Reflect”
Wow. Project from hell.
“Adactio: Journal—Architects, gardeners, and design systems”
“ignore the code: The Failure of the iPad”
Like he points out, even though the OS is the iPad’s current main liability, if it weren’t for the app store model, indie developers would have pitched in to fill the gaps and fix the cracks by now.
Hardware reviewer: “This machine can handle heavy browser use. I had 20 tabs open for extended periods of time!”
Me: glance at the 100+ tabs open on my machine. 😅
“Open Source Licenses and the Ethical Use of Software”
In my personal opinion: for better or for worse, FLOSS is about contractual fairness, not ethics or morality.
“Accomplishing anything other than trivial tasks takes 2-5x longer with 10x more cognitive overhead than on a Mac.”
“Use Multitasking on your iPad - Apple Support”
Looks like you can turn multitasking off. Trying it now.
Yay. A glitch (I think) in the iPad’s multitasking system caused me to lose all of my open tabs in Safari.
I really hate the way multitasking is done on the iPad.
I’d literally be willing to pay good money for an official way to disable multitasking on the iPad.
“Do We Confuse Work With Value? – Codemanship’s Blog”
Yeah. We do that pretty much on every level of society.
“The Tragic iPad – Stratechery”
I use my iPad Pro a lot. A big part of why it remains enjoyable is that I studiously avoid using multitasking. The tragedy of the ipad is that it’s amazing hardware running on halfbaked software
“The iPad’s original software designer and program lead look back on the device’s first 10 years”
“Why use a form element when submitting fields with JavaScript? - Go Make Things”
Good reasons.
“The Value’s Not In Features, It’s In Learning – Codemanship’s Blog”
“If you’re genuinely feedback-driven, then your product backlog won’t survive much further out than the next cycle of customer feedback”