“Building an accessible autocomplete control by Adam Silver - Designer, London, UK.”

“Dropdown Menus 2020: Menus are not menus - Terrill Thompson”

When is a menu not a menu?

(When it’s a ToC 🙂)

“Trust & Agility – Codemanship’s Blog”

“I’ve found one simple metric that has tended to be the best predictor of whether an organisation is capable of agility: how much does it cost here to make a $100 decision?”

“Home - Utopia”

This looks useful.

“Fluid scale and tokens: a match made in heaven - Andy Bell”

“How accurate data was turned into misleading articles by the government …and the press”

This is really good.

“Link Targets and 3.2.5 - Adrian Roselli”

“The Laboring Strategist, A Free-Agent Anti-Pattern (And How to Fix) - DaedTech”

“The worst case is happening — Crooked Timber”

“The Invisible Lesbian in Young Adult Fiction: A culture of misogyny erases the stories of queer girls”


“The situation we have now is the worst of both worlds: server-side rendering followed by a tsunami of hydration.”

“Honesty is the best policy - Andy Bell”

‘”Where did we get lucky?” - Jacob Kaplan-Moss’

Having a ‘all software sucks’ day. Bluetooth keyboards not connecting. Search not finding anything (tho, it’s Slack, so being useless is consistent). Mail crashing (tho, it’s Apple software, so that’s also consistent).

And UIs everywhere just suck.

Grumpy grump grump.

“The laptop: still the ultimate tool for productivity — aows”

“Literally every single task I can do on my computer will either take longer on the iPad or simply not be possible at all.”

Love my iPad but touch is just a bad fit for most of the work I do.

“The design systems we swim in. — Ethan Marcotte”

“The Three Types of Code - CSS-Tricks”

“Share stories, not advice.”

This is one of the things that stories are for

“Gall’s Law – Jorge Arango”

“A Model for Teaching (and Learning) – Jorge Arango”

“Data expands to fill the space available (Part 2) - Gerry McGovern - Customer experience keynote speaker; user experience keynote speaker”

“In praise of imperfect images — aows”

“On attributes for HTML form elements”

“Innovation Can’t Keep the Web Fast - CSS-Tricks”

The music I listen to on my Mac has three separate volume controls: iTunes, global volume, and the volume on the bluetooth headphones.

‘Make my music loud’ is not a task that should require triage. But that’s where we are.