“Fair Warning — Real Life”

“In place of fundamental social changes, the computer allows technical solutions to be proposed that would allow existing power hierarchies to remain intact.”

“Inspiring high school students with HTML and CSS - Stephanie Stimac’s Blog”

“And the response from that class of high school students delighted me and grounded me in a way I haven’t experienced before”

“Keeping it simple with CSS that scales - Andy Bell”

“Crisis on Earth Dan DiDio: How 5G was a crisis too far - The Beat”

“Photography is not a meritocracy — aows”

“How to Edit – Rands in Repose”

“Inconsistent user-experiences with native lazy-loading images - Ctrl blog”

“Blink, Gecko, and WebKit have all implemented lazy-loading images using an Intersection Observer. However, each implementation has set different margins!”

“Larry Tesler - All this”

“Narrative Strategy”

“Product Strategy - Management - Silicon Valley Product Group”

“I can tell you from experience that if the leaders stop here, you will be disappointed at the end of the quarter.”

“Go Read This - Pearson warns it is near ‘bottom of valley’ as US downturn takes toll - Eoin Purcell’s Blog”

“Mr Fallon said Pearson was selling 20m books a year when he became chief in 2013. This year, it expects to sell 2m.”

“Chrome is ditching third-party cookies because Google wants your data all to itself - Digital Trends”

“How privacy-preserving is this, actually? What’s Google’s motivation for doing this? Is it to preserve privacy? Potentially, but probably not.”

“Progress, Postmodernism and the Tech Backlash – alexdanco.com”

‘That’s why the anti-tech backlash of “tech is destroying everything” and “tech will fund superficial over substance every time” matters as a combined narrative.’

“Canada is fake - The Outline”

“And Canada has exported that environmental destruction elsewhere as well, because mining is effectively the basis of Canadian foreign policy.”

“Product Strategy - Actions - Silicon Valley Product Group”

“The difference really boils down to whether you give your product teams features to build, or problems to solve.”

“Christopher Bertram - Who will pick the turnips? · LRB 20 February 2020”

“If the UK is going to buy its ‘high skilled’ workers from overseas, it will choose to produce its ‘low skilled’ ones domestically.”

“ongoing by Tim Bray · On Soaking the Rich”

“Styling The Good Ol’ Button Element”

“Understanding Web Accessibility Color Contrast Guidelines and Ratios - CSS-Tricks”

“Product Strategy - Focus - Silicon Valley Product Group”

I don’t think I’ve ever worked for a company that actually had focus.

“Adactio: Journal—Utopia”

“If you’re a control freak, you may not like Utopia.”

I like it. Will use it in my next project.

“Finally, a CSS only solution to :hover on touchscreens”

“Humanoids announces Mark Waid as publisher and new push for classic titles - The Beat”

This is interesting.

“On Niche Audiences, Immersive Media, and Publishers’ Myopia“

“One of corporate publishing’s biggest problems is the myopic belief that books exist in a vacuum”

“Fucking laptops - Drew DeVault’s Blog”

“It has since come to my attention that in 2020, every laptop still fucking sucks”

The state of the laptop market has really deteriorated over the past few years.