“Third-party libraries and security issues - Go Make Things”

The dependency-of-a-dependency issue is a much bigger one than you’d expect. It’s incredibly easy for a exploitable package (sometimes even intentionally so) to sneak into your project that way.

“Focus management still matters - Sarah Higley”

This is an excellent, detailed, and well researched post on a specific issue in focus management that affects a lot of projects.

“HTML: The Inaccessible Parts - daverupert.com”

“Currying in CSS? - Trys Mudford”

This is cool.

“Curveball - A typescript microframework”

I generally don’t like most of the recent node server side frameworks du jour but this seems to have a bunch of genuinely useful features that many of the other frameworks don’t have. Interesting

“Cross-Cultural Design”

I’m going to have to buy this book aren’t I?

“3.0 – CouchDB Blog”

I have a lot of fondness for CouchDB but I can’t ever imagine using it in this age of managed hosted databases.

“Michael Tsai - Blog - What You See in the Finder Should Always Be Correct”

MacOS continues to deteriorate with every major release.

“Sound UX, Or Why Our Web Pages Barely Make A Peep”

“Content Addressed Vocabulary – DustyCloud Brainstorms”

“Why 543 KB keep me up at night - Manuel Matuzović”

“Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use”

“Google’s Abandoned Android Authenticator App – Terence Eden’s Blog”

Damn. I need to switch to a different app.

“The (almost) unknown art of Miles Davis - Dangerous Minds”

I did not know he painted. Some of these are amazing.

“23 rules to run a software startup with minimum hassle - joisig gone awol”

These are good guidelines. Also, always retweet Icelandic entrepreneurs.

“Team Objectives - Overview”

“And finally, and really the root of the problem, is that in the vast majority of companies I see that are struggling to get any value out of OKR’s, the role of leadership is largely missing in action.”


“Why write vanilla JS when you can just use (insert library or framework here)?”

“An alarming number of modules, libraries, and frameworks are not built accessibly”

Also the exp. of writing accessible vanilla JS code makes it easier to assess framework accessibility

“The Bottom Feeder: Getting Sweet Patron Money On the Modern Internet”

“It’s not often I write something in this blog with a smile on my face, but this is one of those times.”

“A Modest Proposal for Hourly Billing - DaedTech”

“Revealing Hero Effect in CSS and JavaScript - CodyHouse”

A bit gimmicky but sometimes gimmicks are fun.

“On engineering”

“When I joined Medium after a few years at a small startup, I was shocked at how slow everything was moving”

Interesting observation considering the continuing deterioration of the Medium experience.

“Tech Colonialism Today - Data & Society: Points”

“GitHub - refactoringui/heroicons: A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.”

“A Text Renaissance”

This is an interesting piece. A lot of good points but it overlooks/downplays a few important things: CMSes for static sites, the importance of RSS-as-plumbing, and the creative bankruptcy of most tools for writing.

“Fair Warning — Real Life”

This is the best writing on tech I’ve read in a long while.