“Adactio: Journal—Clean advertising”

“Why is Apple’s M1 Chip So Fast?. Real world experience with the new M1… - by Erik Engheim - Nov, 2020 - Medium”

A pretty good overview of the technical reasons why that’s low on fluff while still being fairly easy to understand

You would never tear out a bridge and replace it just because its design looks ‘dated’ but we effectively do the same thing in tech every year. And we aren’t just talking about marketing websites: we do it with OSes all the time.

Tech isn’t engineering; it’s a fashion industry.

“Designing the Smallest Possible Thing - Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)”

“The Substackerati - Columbia Journalism Review”

“Your first attempt at making anything accessible will be awful - Sheri Byrne-Haber’s Blog”

“CAPTCHAs don’t prove you’re human – they prove you’re American – Terence Eden’s Blog”

“Advice for newsletter-ers”

Sound advice

“Write five, then synthesize: good engineering strategy is boring.”

“Apple Silicon M1: Black. Magic. Fuckery. - Kay’s Blog”

“Avoiding tab styles for navigation by Adam Silver – Designer, London, UK.”

“Why it’s good for users that HTML, CSS and JS are separate languages”


“One More Adventure: Thoughts on Star Trek: Picard”

“Leveraging System Fonts on the Web - Jim Nielsen’s Weblog”

“The case for alarmism — Crooked Timber”

“Divided Societies In Decline Use Scapegoats To Re-Unify - Ian Welsh”

“How do you raise a software bug with a book publisher? – Terence Eden’s Blog”

“Not so short note on aria-label usage – Big Table Edition – HTML Accessibility”

“We need to do more about electronic waste - Gerry McGovern”

“Know Your Enemies - Ian Welsh”

“It has never been easier to mass-shame politicians, yet never have politicians seemed so shameless: the constitutional implications of a modern political paradox – The Law and Policy Blog”

“We need to do more about electronic waste - Gerry McGovern”

“Adactio: Links—As Antitrust Pressure Mounts, Google to Pull Back Benefit to News Sites That Adopted Its Preferred Mobile Technology – The Markup”

“As Antitrust Pressure Mounts, Google to Pull Back Benefit to News Sites That Adopted Its Preferred Mobile Technology – The Markup”

‘”Yes or No?” — One Checkbox vs Two Radio Buttons.’