“Me on COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps - Schneier on Security”

Basically, apps can help robust human-driven contact tracing efforts a bit but are generally useless on their own.

“How vanilla JS Proxies work - Go Make Things”

“To Microservices and Back Again - Why Segment Went Back to a Monolith”

“How to build complex layouts with CSS grid - Go Make Things”

“Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS - a11y with Lindsey”

The iOS GitHub app is completely useless. Instead of being the iPadOS equivalent to GitHub’s desktop client, it’s the iPad equivalent of the GitHub website. And that website works just fine on iOS Safari where you can do webby things like bookmark and share links.

“Unsolved Zoom Mysteries: Why We Have to Say “You’re Muted” So Much - Viget”

Unpopular opinion: I’ve never understood the popularity of JSX. I find it to be the most annoying feature of React and its clones. I didn’t like XML the first time around; don’t like it in this weirdo second incarnation.

“Static or Not? - CSS-Tricks”

“The first modern pandemic - Bill Gates”

Actually a pretty good overview of the situation: where we are, what we know, what we don’t know, and what is being done.

“Bill Gates explains his plan to end the coronavirus pandemic - Vox”

“If you just use Bluetooth, the distance is too large, so the false positives will just be overwhelming”

“An introduction to CSS Grid - Go Make Things”

I use CSS Grid (or flexbox) pretty much in every project.

“Spotify vs. Fitbit - Silicon Valley Product Group”

“There’s a lot of talk today about focusing on outcomes, but here’s a chance for people to see quite clearly the difference between output and outcomes.”

“Selection in CSS”

The core flaw, AFAICT, of every contact tracing app proposal I’ve seen is that there are entire industries (service, factory, and more) where workers are required to leave their phones in their lockers (or equiv.) before they start their shift and only get to use them on breaks.

“How to Make a CSS-Only Carousel - CSS-Tricks”

“The History of the Future”

I needed this today. A great read.

“Tend and befriend - A Working Library”

“Gardened. — Ethan Marcotte”

Had the iOS micro.blog sharing extension crash after writing a decent sized note. Add to that the perennial iOS keyboard bug (see attached, there’s an editing cursor there, it’s just hidden) and the constant character counting inconsistencies and I’m starting to get annoyed.

“You don’t get a free pass on web performance just because you built an app - Go Make Things”

“Adactio: Journal—Principles and priorities”

“Internal and External Language – Jorge Arango”

“It’s Time To Learn - Scott Berkun”

“This was not a building problem. It was a priorities problem. A logistical problem. A leadership problem.”

“Adactio: Journal—Lightweight”