“CSS-Only Resizable Elements – Bram.us”

Huh! I did not know this.

“How to Tame Line Height in CSS - CSS-Tricks”

A really interesting approach to managing leading in CSS

“Meaningful Transformation - Silicon Valley Product Group”

“Mind-reading: Conducting Deep Research Using Multiple Passes - sharpen.page: A Product Sharpening Service”

“AddyOsmani.com - What (not) to Prefetch/Prerender”

“For every discipline-with-depth that I care about (software/Internet, politics, energy economics, physics), if you want to find out what’s happening and you want to find out from first-person practitioners, you end up reading a blog”

“Progressively enhancing radio buttons with SVG whilst staying accessible - Christian Heilmann”

“Equal Width Columns in CSS Grid are Kinda Weird - CSS-Tricks”

“JavaScript Weekly Issue 487: May 8, 2020”

Last two links were from here.

“GitHub - nikersify/pico: Take browser screenshots in Javascript 📸”

This is also quite neat.

“GitHub - daybrush/selecto: Selecto.js is a component that allows you to select elements in the drag area using the mouse or touch.”

Not sure I’d ever use this but it seems neat.

“Writing technical articles: Defining your ideal reader”

“Better (more accessible) active link styling - Go Make Things”

“Everything is terrible, especially software – Jessitron”

“Encouraging a Culture of Written Communication – mcls”

“Bolt-on Accessibility – 5 gears in reverse - TPG – The Accessibility Experts”

“Why does writing matter in remote work? - CSS-Tricks”

“Why does writing matter in remote work? — Tim Casasola”

“21st century democracy requires an open web”

“How I Put the Scroll Percentage in the Browser Title Bar - CSS-Tricks”

“Micro-Typography: How To Space And Kern Punctuation Marks And Other Symbols — Smashing Magazine”

Notion is really growing on me. It’s one of those weird apps where I don’t actually like any of it, overall, but it’s flexible enough to be used in ways that I like. Which is as weird as it sounds.

“The Streaming Model for Music Doesn’t Work for Artists When They Do Not Earn Live Performance Income — Pixel Envy”

“What is the value of exposure when exposure is all there is? - Music Industry Blog”

“Linux on the desktop as a web developer”

Desktop Linux works really well for web dev and, at this point, isn’t any less usable than Windows

I’ve tried web dev on Windows, Linux, macOS, and ChromeOS. With the notable exception of ChromeOS, they all work well.