“Organizing Your Documentation - Variance”

“Context over control: the future of remote work - Pulse”

“LF03 - Language is a Problem”

“Filtered for… writing inside organizations”

“Intentional Career Building”

“CUBE CSS: A CSS methodology oriented towards simplicity and consistency with a heavy dosage of pragmatism.”

A very interesting approach that seems to address many of the issues I’ve had with other methods

“David Attenborough, the voice of Netflix’s Our Planet: “Things are going to get worse “ - Vox”

“Platforms in an Aggregator World – Stratechery by Ben Thompson”

“Weave: part three ~ take”

“The Half of It – dirtystylus - Mark Llobrera”

“Nitpicking about the plot aside, though — I loved some of these shots from a sequence in the second half of the film”

“Web Engine Diversity and Ecosystem Health”

Is there a full-featured open source PrinceXML replacement? I know lots of people have been trying to make one but is it ‘there’ yet?

“as days pass by — Browsers are not rendering engines”

“The ability to make, or to refuse, controversial changes is reserved to the major browser vendors alone”

“Can junior developers ask too many questions? - Go Make Things”

“Week 8, inky”

“How to Choose a Fulfilling Career - The Atlantic”

“Deric’s MindBlog: Rules for identifying your life’s work.”

“When no good could be done in the world, one returned to one’s private life to write poetry, drink wine, and care for those close to one while refusing as much as possible to be complicit in the evil of the times.”

“Responsive web design turns ten. — Ethan Marcotte”

“How to Convert a Date String into a Human-Readable Format - CSS-Tricks”

“Weave: part two ~ take”

“Weave: part one ~ take”

“Prioritizing Visual Stability on the Web”

“Michael Tsai - Blog - macOS 10.15: Slow by Design”


“An integration loop”

“Adactio: Journal—Integration”

“Listening to it, I found it incredibly moving, haunting, and strangely cathartic.”