“All We Want ~ take”

“Crap Store ~ take”

“Dynamic shortcuts questions - Aaron Gustafson”

“When You Have to Find Buyers for Your Product - sharpen.page: A Product Sharpening Service”

“Release · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”

“Web Excursions for June 19, 2020 - BrettTerpstra.com”

“GitHub - jakedeichert/mask: 🎭 A CLI task runner defined by a simple markdown file”

Oh, I like this. Very clever.

“Personal software vs factory-produced software (Interconnected)”

“Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned – Lea Verou”

“Dropbox is a total mess – On my Om”

“The Return of the 90s Web - Max Böck”

“the ai will break you - The World Is Yours*”

“Trapped in a Values Oasis.”

“How to replace an element and its content using vanilla JS - Go Make Things”

On sites with user-generated content I like to use Node.replaceWith() in conjunction with DOMPurify configured it to return a DocumentFragment.

“Manton Reece - Embedding microblog posts with Quotebacks”

This is exactly what I meant the other day when I wrote that Quotebacks are ‘a design convention that comes with an adaptable toolkit for implementation.’

There’s going to be more of this.

“On Coding, Ego and Attention”

“Do Not Follow JavaScript Trends - Pragmatic Pineapple 🍍”

“Eleventy: Paired Shortcodes and Markdown Rendering – dirtystylus - Mark Llobrera”

The discussion surrounding Apple’s rejection of the Hey Email app I’ve seen all centres on one of two things: ‘it’s an abusive monopoly’, or ‘it’s their platform, you shoulda known better’.

But few are talking about how incredibly hostile towards indie devs Apple has become 😐

“Hey, Nah — Pixel Envy”

Between the poor software quality and horrible support for indie developers, I’m feeling very nostalgic these days. I haven’t seen Apple mismanage its platforms this badly since the 90s.

“Time to upgrade your monitor”

“The Importance of Nesting when Remote Working and Quarantine Working - Scott Hanselman”

“A Small Insight About Power, Markets, and Post-capitalism - Ian Welsh”

“But all three systems have failed, because all three failed to handle climate change.”

“Quotebacks and hypertexts (Interconnected)”

I really like how people are responding to Quotebacks: not as merely a monolithic app but as a design convention that comes with an adaptable toolkit for implementation.

“Getting values from a URL with vanilla JS - Go Make Things”

I use this API so so much. Both in the browser and in node.