“When You Have to Find Buyers for Your Product - sharpen.page: A Product Sharpening Service”
“GitHub - jakedeichert/mask: 🎭 A CLI task runner defined by a simple markdown file”
Oh, I like this. Very clever.
“Personal software vs factory-produced software (Interconnected)”
“Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned – Lea Verou”
“How to replace an element and its content using vanilla JS - Go Make Things”
On sites with user-generated content I like to use Node.replaceWith() in conjunction with DOMPurify configured it to return a DocumentFragment.
“Manton Reece - Embedding microblog posts with Quotebacks”
This is exactly what I meant the other day when I wrote that Quotebacks are ‘a design convention that comes with an adaptable toolkit for implementation.’
There’s going to be more of this.
“Eleventy: Paired Shortcodes and Markdown Rendering – dirtystylus - Mark Llobrera”
The discussion surrounding Apple’s rejection of the Hey Email app I’ve seen all centres on one of two things: ‘it’s an abusive monopoly’, or ‘it’s their platform, you shoulda known better’.
But few are talking about how incredibly hostile towards indie devs Apple has become 😐
Between the poor software quality and horrible support for indie developers, I’m feeling very nostalgic these days. I haven’t seen Apple mismanage its platforms this badly since the 90s.
“The Importance of Nesting when Remote Working and Quarantine Working - Scott Hanselman”
“A Small Insight About Power, Markets, and Post-capitalism - Ian Welsh”
“But all three systems have failed, because all three failed to handle climate change.”
“Quotebacks and hypertexts (Interconnected)”
I really like how people are responding to Quotebacks: not as merely a monolithic app but as a design convention that comes with an adaptable toolkit for implementation.
“Getting values from a URL with vanilla JS - Go Make Things”
I use this API so so much. Both in the browser and in node.