“Lab Notebooks - Sam Bleckley”

Always interesting when you stumble upon a methodology that’s shared by both scientists and artists (an artist’s journal is remarkably similar to a lab notebook).

“Building Anti-Surveillance Ed-Tech”

“Worth Your Attention – Jorge Arango”

“Make me think! – Ralph Ammer”

“Why Figma Wins - kwokchain”

“Bruce Lawson’s personal site  : Live Regions resources”

“When should you use ARIA? - Go Make Things”

Don’t always reach for the visually-hidden class.

“Evaluating a Product Opportunity - sharpen.page: A Product Sharpening Service”

“All your Frais are problematic – Terence Eden’s Blog”

“The company isn’t a family - Signal v. Noise”

“On dependency - RobWeychert.com V7”

“Adactio: Links—Why you should have a blog (and write in it) - Leticia Portella”

“Why you should have a blog (and write in it) - Leticia Portella”

“How Developers Stop Learning: Rise of the Expert Beginner - DaedTech”

Posted this a while back. Reread, so re-posting.

“Google’s Abuse of Its Dominant Position Isn’t Only Maybe Illegal, It Also Makes for Worse Products — Pixel Envy”

“Adactio: Links—The Shape Of The Machine « blarg?”

“The Shape Of The Machine « blarg?”

“Google has managed to structure this surveillance-and-value-extraction machine entirely out of people who are convinced that they, personally, are doing good for the world”

“The Shape Of The Machine « blarg?”

“But when you put all the parts of that machine together under one P&L-statement roof suddenly you’re looking at a thinly veiled extortion scheme”

“My triple screen set-up for effective online presentations – Terence Eden’s Blog”

‘Markets, discrimination, and “lowering the bar”’

“the excuses for the gender disparity are the exact same excuses that were trotted out in the 70s”

“roguelazer’s website: Etcd, or, why modern software makes me sad”

“For 99.9% of people out there, it’s just an extra layer of complexity that adds almost nothing of value.”

“Some Web Components Hint. Another day on the Web, another library”

Good advice on web components, including a warning, which I agree with, against using the Shadow DOM. Unless your product team has dozens of members, SD is a net negative

“Structure Changes More Slowly Than Look-and-feel – Jorge Arango”

“Icon accessibility and aria label - Go Make Things”

“Adactio: Journal—Accessibility”

What he said.