“If I’m right, then a model of the universe that sees the BOOK as an object capable of being translated into a FILE is bound to fail because it does not respect the essential difference between the two.”
This entire thing is excellent. Via @tomabba
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“If I’m right, then a model of the universe that sees the BOOK as an object capable of being translated into a FILE is bound to fail because it does not respect the essential difference between the two.”
This entire thing is excellent. Via @tomabba
‘DC layoffs reportedly a “bloodbath” - The Beat’
The beginning of the end for superhero comics began back in the 90s with the rise of Diamond. Now we’re finally entering the last chapter.
“PDF: Still Unfit for Human Consumption, 20 Years Later”
We’re still going to be dealing with PDFs in 2040 aren’t we?
“If I got made king of web browsers, here’s what I’d do (Interconnected)”
“Plague Police round up, or, I am tired, and you people give me no peace – Going Medieval”
“Here’s Exactly How Inefficient Wireless Charging Is - OneZero”
“The Architecture of Information – Intriguing information structures from the web and beyond”
Interesting new site made by the excellent Jorge Arango.
“TypeScript, Minus TypeScript - CSS-Tricks”
This is an approach I’d really like to try out in a serious project at some point.
‘“I could build that in five minutes!” – Terence Eden’s Blog’
“Adapting to Change - esther derby associates, inc.”
Never giving up and constantly banging your head against the wall is a good way to do yourself some harm.
“Adactio: Links—In a Land Before Dev Tools - Amber’s Website”
“In a Land Before Dev Tools - Amber’s Website”
Damn, I remember how much of a revolution Firebug was.
“Chapter 1: Birth - CSS-Tricks”
Birth of the web.
“tinykeys – A tiny and modern library for keybindings – Bram.us”
“The UX of LEGO Interface Panels – George Cave”
I love this.
“Michael Tsai - Blog - Apple Remote-Kills Long-time Developer’s Apps”
This is pretty worrying, TBH, even just as a user of software.
“If your team isn’t able to make meaningful progress without outsourcing its work, it’s the wrong team”
“Build” here definitely includes things like user research and UX/UI design, not just code.
“How to learn JavaScript - Derek Sivers”
Decent advice.
Google Docs is garbage but what’s astonishing is that it’s of a specific species of garbage software:
Best in class, real-time collaborative writing wrapped up in UI that thinks realistic-looking page breaks are cutting edge UX for digital writing.