“Don’t Mind Digital”

“If I’m right, then a model of the universe that sees the BOOK as an object capable of being translated into a FILE is bound to fail because it does not respect the essential difference between the two.”

This entire thing is excellent. Via @tomabba

‘DC layoffs reportedly a “bloodbath” - The Beat’

The beginning of the end for superhero comics began back in the 90s with the rise of Diamond. Now we’re finally entering the last chapter.

“PDF: Still Unfit for Human Consumption, 20 Years Later”

We’re still going to be dealing with PDFs in 2040 aren’t we?

“If I got made king of web browsers, here’s what I’d do (Interconnected)”

“Plague Police round up, or, I am tired, and you people give me no peace – Going Medieval”

“Every Website is an Essay - CSS-Tricks”

“Here’s Exactly How Inefficient Wireless Charging Is - OneZero”

“JavaScript Fatigue - CSS-Tricks”

“The Architecture of Information – Intriguing information structures from the web and beyond”

Interesting new site made by the excellent Jorge Arango.

“How to self-host Google fonts - Go Make Things”

“TypeScript, Minus TypeScript - CSS-Tricks”

This is an approach I’d really like to try out in a serious project at some point.

“Slow Tests Kill Businesses – Codemanship’s Blog”

‘“I could build that in five minutes!” – Terence Eden’s Blog’

“Adapting to Change - esther derby associates, inc.”

Never giving up and constantly banging your head against the wall is a good way to do yourself some harm.

“Adactio: Links—In a Land Before Dev Tools - Amber’s Website”

“In a Land Before Dev Tools - Amber’s Website”

Damn, I remember how much of a revolution Firebug was.

“Chapter 1: Birth - CSS-Tricks”

Birth of the web.

“Some Custom Elements Update. Times are different, and so should be… - by Andrea Giammarchi - Aug, 2020 - Medium”

“tinykeys – A tiny and modern library for keybindings – Bram.us”

“The UX of LEGO Interface Panels – George Cave”

I love this.

“Michael Tsai - Blog - Apple Remote-Kills Long-time Developer’s Apps”

This is pretty worrying, TBH, even just as a user of software.

“Product Vision vs. Mission - Silicon Valley Product Group”

You gotta build

“If your team isn’t able to make meaningful progress without outsourcing its work, it’s the wrong team”

“Build” here definitely includes things like user research and UX/UI design, not just code.

“How to learn JavaScript - Derek Sivers”

Decent advice.

Google Docs is garbage but what’s astonishing is that it’s of a specific species of garbage software:

Best in class, real-time collaborative writing wrapped up in UI that thinks realistic-looking page breaks are cutting edge UX for digital writing.