“Autonomy Online: A Case For The IndieWeb — Smashing Magazine”
“Here’s How I Solved a Weird Bug Using Tried and True Debugging Strategies - CSS-Tricks”
“RSS and the pleasure of not thinking - All this”
The magic of RSS’s pervasiveness is that you can make a home made, just-for-yourself, RSS feed reading system and it’ll work with 99% of websites out there without having to boil the ocean.
“Google Analytics: A luxury your users are paying for /// Iain Bean”
“Robin Rendle ・ The Thing with Leading in CSS”
“Well, it contributes to that future where everything I know is sort of irrelevant. But in a good way!”
What Robin said.
“Adactio: Links—The Thing With Leading in CSS · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”
“The Thing With Leading in CSS · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”
“mnot’s blog: RFC8890: The Internet is for End Users”
“So at its heart, The Internet is for End Users is a call for IETF participants to stop pretending that they can ignore the non-technical consequences of their decisions”
They should be blocked from GitHub. Make them explain to their employers why their ability to do their jobs was disrupted.
“The difference between aria-label and aria-labelledby - Tink - Léonie Watson”
“Lessons learnt in year three as a software engineer :: ✨Shubheksha Jalan✨”
“I was wrong about how to create accessible subtitles - Go Make Things”
“Michael Tsai - Blog - Developer Accounts Nearly Terminated”
iOS development is too unpredictable to be a hobby or sideline, too risky to be an indie/SMB, and too limited by policy to be a research and experimentation platform.
Which is a shame.
“Positioning for Newbie Feelancers: The Ugly, The Bad, and the Good - DaedTech”
“The wrong good solution - Rakhim.org”
The vast majority of tech consists of a wrong good solution.
“‘I was considering quitting’ – Six Colors”
“I can’t tell you how many developers I’ve talked to who have similar stories.”
Irrespective of the correctness of Apple’s strategy, it has created a motivational crisis that will have a huge impact on the field