“Adactio: Links—The radium craze - Eric Bailey”

“The radium craze - Eric Bailey”

“Autonomy Online: A Case For The IndieWeb — Smashing Magazine”

“Measurements for Freelancers - Part 2: Starting With the End - sharpen.page: A Product Sharpening Service”

“Here’s How I Solved a Weird Bug Using Tried and True Debugging Strategies - CSS-Tricks”

“RSS and the pleasure of not thinking - All this”

The magic of RSS’s pervasiveness is that you can make a home made, just-for-yourself, RSS feed reading system and it’ll work with 99% of websites out there without having to boil the ocean.

“Google Analytics: A luxury your users are paying for /// Iain Bean”

“Robin Rendle ・ The Thing with Leading in CSS”

“Well, it contributes to that future where everything I know is sort of irrelevant. But in a good way!”

What Robin said.

“Orthographic media”

“Adactio: Links—The Thing With Leading in CSS · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”

“The Thing With Leading in CSS · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”

“mnot’s blog: RFC8890: The Internet is for End Users”

“So at its heart, The Internet is for End Users is a call for IETF participants to stop pretending that they can ignore the non-technical consequences of their decisions”

“Adactio: Links—Make Me Think - Jim Nielsen’s Weblog”

“Make Me Think - Jim Nielsen’s Weblog”

“On all that fuckery”

They should be blocked from GitHub. Make them explain to their employers why their ability to do their jobs was disrupted.

“The difference between aria-label and aria-labelledby - Tink - Léonie Watson”

“Lessons learnt in year three as a software engineer :: ✨Shubheksha Jalan✨”

“Rethinking the App Store – Stratechery by Ben Thompson”

“I was wrong about how to create accessible subtitles - Go Make Things”

“Test Double - Our Blog - The Impact of Language in Tech”

“Michael Tsai - Blog - Developer Accounts Nearly Terminated”

iOS development is too unpredictable to be a hobby or sideline, too risky to be an indie/SMB, and too limited by policy to be a research and experimentation platform.

Which is a shame.

“Michael Tsai - Blog - Potential”

“Positioning for Newbie Feelancers: The Ugly, The Bad, and the Good - DaedTech”

“The wrong good solution - Rakhim.org”

The vast majority of tech consists of a wrong good solution.

“‘I was considering quitting’ – Six Colors”

“I can’t tell you how many developers I’ve talked to who have similar stories.”

Irrespective of the correctness of Apple’s strategy, it has created a motivational crisis that will have a huge impact on the field