“15 rules for blogging, and my current streak (Interconnected)”
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“15 rules for blogging, and my current streak (Interconnected)”
Better than I expected
“Why Are Conservatives Obsessed with Pedophilia Right Now? - David M Schell”
“Renewing Higher Education’s Covenants - Just Visiting”
“If instruction requires literal surveillance to maintain “integrity,” we are well past the point of meaningful learning.”
“8 Cognitive Biases in Software Development”
Most software devs think the bandwagon effect is a feature not a bug. It’s baked into all collaborative software at this point. Gdocs is the bandwagon effect wrapped around a shitty copy of Word
‘Michael Tsai - Blog - Epic Barred From “Sign in With Apple”’
Apple has a pretty big developer morale problem these days.
“Manage Serverless APIs with API Gateway - Google Cloud Blog”
Google is only now managing to build the cloud services I expected them to have built five years ago.
“Designing With Reduced Motion For Motion Sensitivities — Smashing Magazine”
“How to target non-empty but invalid input elements with CSS - Stefan Judis Web Development”
“Art deco will be the visual language of 2021 - DESK Magazine”
“Import non-ESM libraries in ES Modules, with client-side vanilla JS – Lea Verou”
“What software teams can learn from music masterclasses - Helen Hou-Sandí”
“The difference between aria-label and aria-labelledby - Tink - Léonie Watson”
“Parsel: A tiny, permissive CSS selector parser – Lea Verou”
CSS selectors are the sonic screwdriver of web dev: you use them on almost everything and almost everywhere. So I’m guessing this library could come in handy.
“The verbal clue your business is stuck, and how to get unstuck : startups”
“A Goddamn Criminal Nightmare – Worms and Viruses”
Windows is a mess. It’s not even close to being a pleasant OS. But IME W10 has been more reliable than macOS of late, by some margin. And that counts for a lot.
“If Management Isn’t A Promotion, Then Engineering Isn’t A Demotion – charity.wtf”
“Discovery - Problem vs. Solution - Silicon Valley Product Group”
“It’s worth noting that if you have a crappy solution, it can look to you like the demand isn’t there.“