“Don’t Compare Averages”

“The failed promise of Web Components – Lea Verou”

Been thinking about this one since I read it yesterday. Like @adactio I worry that what has been holding web components back is cultural

“School should be free for everyone”

“Adactio: Journal—Performance and people”

“4 Questions for Evaluating Experiments - esther derby associates, inc.”

“Poor communication is the primary reason systems and relationships fail -> News and podcasts for developers -> Changelog”

“The failed promise of Web Components – Lea Verou”

“Structurally Broken - Think Different”

Most software is broken as designed. Even the ones that aren’t actively broken are still badly designed. Most people have never used software that’s actually good.

“There’s a good reason why experienced devs say “it depends” so often -> News and podcasts for developers -> Changelog”

There are no silver bullets.

“The Command Line Comeback. In consumer, everything old is new… - by Gaby Goldberg - Sep, 2020 - Medium”

The CLI never stopped being a useful pattern so it’s good to see it being used more widely.

“Build a light and global state system - Piccalilli”

“Indie Hopes and Dreams - Becky Hansmeyer”

“Adactio: Journal—Web browsers on iOS”

“Management Scrutiny · Stay SaaSy”

The problem here from the perspective of the employee is that some managers absolutely do use this sort of signalling to manipulate their employees.

“Focus on the waste: Developing an earth experience culture in digital - Gerry McGovern”

“So we must seek to own the minimum number of digital devices and hold on to them for the longest time possible.”

“Michael Tsai - Blog - The State of SwiftUI”

Like pretty much everything related to Apple software, the state isn’t nearly as good as it should be.

“The ultimate software taboo – avdi.codes”

‘I have written before about the hidden dangers of unstructured or “flat” organizations.’

“Adactio: Links—Geri Reid - Forms best practice”

“Geri Reid - Forms best practice”

‘Adactio: Journal—A polyfill for button type=”share”’

“Developer priorities throughout their career – Lea Verou”

“The Rise and Fall of Digital Book World - On Platforms”

“Panic - Nova”

This mac text editor from Panic looks amazing. Panic always makes great apps and I’d be all over this if I hadn’t switched to Windows earlier this year.

‘On constructing the “ideal” woman – Going Medieval’

“Paul Romer”

“a few of its members are doing enormous harm”