“Demand Side Sales 101, a new book on sales by Bob Moesta. - Signal v. Noise”
“Adactio: Journal—Unobtrusive feedback”
I really like this pattern.
“What is emergence, and why should we care about it? – Axis, Praxis”
“Principles of Digital Earth Experience Design - Gerry McGovern”
“Inventing the Hindu-Arabic numerals requires both design genius and mathematical genius”
“Better note-taking” misses the point; what matters is “better thinking”
‘In terms of technology, what matters is not “computer-supported note-taking” but “computer supported thinking.”’
“The most effective readers and thinkers I know don’t take notes when reading”
“3 Visual Models on Quality - Complexity is a Matter of Perspective”
“Towards principled reactive UI - Raph Levien’s blog”
This makes me want to learn Rust.
“the right time to give any sort of feedback, positive or negative, is as close to the incident as possible while everything is fresh in people’s minds.”
“Secondly, and more seriously, it turns out the praise sandwich isn’t all that effective.”
“We write code, not documents - Signal v. Noise”
One of those blog posts where the none of the replies seem to understand the post or the implications of what’s written in the post.
“The Need for Stable Foundations in Software Development - Pointers Gone Wild”
“Hari Kunzru Explains How Cop Shows Contribute to State Brutality - Electric Literature”
“People expect technology to suck because it actually sucks”
And technology sucks because software almost universally sucks. Most people have never used an actually well-made app.