“Apple made ProtonMail add in-app purchases, even though it had been free for years - The Verge”
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“Apple made ProtonMail add in-app purchases, even though it had been free for years - The Verge”
“Skinner won; Papert lost. Thorndike won; Dewey lost. Behaviorism won.”
This is why the state of modern education (and media) is so grim.
“Nine Lies About Work by Buckingham and Goodall - Ian Welsh”
This is really good.
“The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers - CSS-Tricks”
“HTML templates should solve isomorphic web but don’t”
“Notes on the web, take 1 - QuirksBlog”
All footnotes on the web are broken as designed. This is an attempt to make footnotes that aren’t broken.
“How to work with multiselect elements in vanilla JS - Go Make Things”
“ongoing by Tim Bray · I Hate My MacBook”
A looot of people seem disappointed in their macs lately.
“Michael Tsai - Blog - Another Developer Account Nearly Terminated”
Apple continues to try as hard as they can to dissuade developers from making apps for their devices.
“The dogs won’t eat it - Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design”
“Will you create React/ Vue / Other-framework Courses? - Zell Liew”
“AppStore Reviews Should be Stricter - Miguel de Icaza”
“Yet, the AppStore reviews are too lax and they should be much stricter.”