“Modern JS is amazing. Modern JS is trash. - Go Make Things”
The problem with Modern JS™ is that we haven’t yet, as a community, stumbled upon an actual good way to use it. So far it’s great for quick implementation; at the expense of long term maintenance.
“Adactio: Links—Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies - Jim Nielsen’s Weblog”
“5 most annoying website features I face as a blind person every single day - The Big Hack”
I live in hope that XPath might be like XMLHttpRequest: an ‘obsolete’ piece of tech that suddenly becomes super useful because it’s ubiquitous.
“Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies - Jim Nielsen’s Weblog”
“Clockwork to Complexity: scale in time and software – Jessitron”
“Noelle Stevenson Shares Her Coming Out Story in an Original Comic”
“Meet the new owners of Clearleft - Clearleft”
Clever move.
“What I Didn’t Expect to Learn From Running My Side Hustle - DEV”
“Please stop using CDNs for external Javascript libraries – Terence Eden’s Blog”
“The Order of Marvel Movies – The Architecture of Information”
“Your Product Is Going to Fail - sharpen.page: A Product Sharpening Service”