“Five packages - daverupert.com”

“Modest JS Works - Go Make Things”

I fully agree with this recommendation. Both for Modest JS Works and for the Lean Web.

“How Does the Pain-Dream-Fix Page Structure Fit with Jobs-To-Be-Done? - sharpen.page: A Product Sharpening Service”

“Running a trust-based business - Go Make Things”

“Multiple-column Layout and column-span in Firefox 71 - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog”

“Michael Tsai - Blog - Guilherme Rambo Locked Out of Apple Developer Account”

sighs. Apple, we want to be on your side but you keep making it extremely difficult.

“Pocket App fails silently - Rakhim.org”

I’ve noticed similar behaviour when testing various ‘readability’ scripts. Main content extraction from arbitrary websites is way harder than you think.

“Teaching and Decision Fatigue - Just Visiting”

“Menial publishing jobs are destroying our future - Consonance”

This may have originally been written in 2015 but it’s still quite relevant today. Unfortunately.

“Request with Intent: Caching Strategies in the Age of PWAs – A List Apart”

“Modest Business, Modest JS - Modest JS Works”

“Whatever you’re building, two things are non-negotiable (and they’re both about time): It’ll take more time than you think, and you’ll have to time things right”

So far, I’m liking this book a lot.

“Upgrading (the idea of) dependencies - Modest JS Works”

“Interdependence (us): When I use tools from others, I choose those I can commit to invest in, so that it’s a mutually benefitial relationship.”

Interesting thoughts on dependencies. Found via @adactio

“Abstraction and Implementation – Jorge Arango”

“But for the interface to be any good, designers must also understand the implementation”

“Adactio: Journal—Mental models”

“The Web We Want”

“No, Absolutely Not - CSS-Tricks”

“Undervaluing User Research is a Deadly Disease — UX Articles by UIE”

I’ve been maintaining this list of RSS/Atom feeds for around 15 years. Kind of impressed that only around half are defunkt or inactive.

(The key, in case anybody is wondering, is to follow very, very few feeds that update daily.)

“The Test Pyramid – The Key To True Agility – Codemanship’s Blog”

“Focus on Learning Rather than Perfection”

Even though I use and enjoy Visual Studio Code every day, when it comes to random, edge case, text processing needs BBEdit is unbeatable.

BBEdit is one of those tools where when you need it, you really need it.

“Teaching CSS”

“Sorry Computer, You’re Not a Teapot - The History of the Web”

“Shifting perceptions of vanilla JS - Go Make Things”

“7 leadership lessons over 2.5 years - Signal v. Noise”

These all seem pretty good