“Too big to ignore - Inside Story”

“Homework I Gave Web Designers - Cloud Four”

“Supposedly ‘Fair’ Algorithms Can Perpetuate Discrimination - Joi Ito’s Web”

“Stop telling women to fix sexist workplaces – UX Collective”

“Caffeine and hangover effects in conversion funnels”

“Prioritizing the MacBook Hierarchy of Needs - Six Colors”

“Imagine if the iPhone or iPad shipped with a display that didn’t accurately register touches after a couple of months. Unfathomable; and, yet, that’s basically the situation for Apple’s entire notebook lineup.”

“Fighting uphill - Eric Bailey”

‘The “Backendification” of Frontend Development – Hacker Noon’

“Having an open dialog - scottohara.me”

“The Bottleneck of the Web - CSS-Tricks”

“State of Remote Work 2019 - Buffer”

“Book review: The age of surveillance capitalism”

“Concentrated corporate power as a threat to democracy”

“The Firefox Experiments I Would Have Liked To Try”

So so many nice and interesting ideas in this post.

“Cache-Control for Civilians – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts”

“This isn’t an Apple which has any concern over the quality of its products, or for its users. It’s just another leviathan corporation which has stopped caring or taking pride. One small bug reveals a deep and pervasive problem.”

“Many of things Rachel has shown—grid, exclusions, regions—were implemented by Microsoft. With Edge moving to a Chromium rendering engine, we must make sure that we maintain diversity of thought in the standards process”

“Adactio: Journal—Making Things Better: Redefining the Technical Possibilities of CSS by Rachel Andrew”

“CSS tries to avoid data loss. That’s why the “CSS is awesome” text overflows the box. You don’t want the text to vanish”

“An exercise in progressive enhancement”

I really need to try glitch one of these days.

“Adactio: Journal—Designing Intrinsic Layouts by Jen Simmons”

“UI Copy: UX Guidelines for Command Names and Keyboard Shortcuts”

“Unbridged Knowledge Gaps Hurt UX”

“The Importance of Writing For Software Developers - benmccormick.org”

‘“We meet all Federal regulations” - Seth’s Blog’

“Why does any organization actively fight to lobby to lower its costs when it might benefit customers and their communities?”