“We Need a More Ethical Web – Samsung Internet Developers – Medium”

“Death of the calorie - 1843”

“QQ - Quantity Queries Builder”

“Sophisticated Partitioning with CSS Grid - Rob Weychert”

“Micromodal.js - Tiny javascript library for creating accessible modal dialogs”

Haven’t tested this yet but it looks promising.

“Slack removes hate groups - The Official Slack Blog”

“Against Wireframes – Jorge Arango”

“Michael Tsai - Blog - Sketch Takes Venture Capital”

This does not make me feel optimistic

“5 Tools For Automated Accessibility Audits”

“AddyOsmani.com - JavaScript Loading Priorities in Chrome”

“Some More RSS-y Things”

“This category of software is not going away, and no one needs to be meek about it. There are probably more RSS reader apps these days than ever before.”

“The Online Photographer: Index Prints”

“Application Holotypes - CSS-Tricks”

Whenever the teacher of my French class asks about what movies we’ve seen in French, my first instinct is to mention how much I loved the movie Battle of Algiers.

“The web we broke. — Ethan Marcotte”

“The State of Mac Hardware — Early 2019 - Infinite Diaries”

Pretty sad state tbh

“Move Ya! Or maybe, don’t, if the user prefers-reduced-motion!  -  Web  -  Google Developers”

Chrome support. Yay!

“Web Turns 30, Seems Popular - Adrian Roselli”

“KV Storage, the Web’s First Built-in Module  -  Web  -  Google Developers”

“Introducing Firefox Send, Providing Free File Transfers while Keeping your Personal Information Private - The Mozilla Blog”

“/dev/lawyer Deprecation Notice: MIT and BSD”

“Cookie walls don’t comply with GDPR, says Dutch DPA - TechCrunch”

“Cache-Control for Civilians – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts”

“User interfaces: hiding stuff should be a last resort by Adam Silver, designer based in London, UK.”

“How listening to music ‘significantly impairs’ creativity – ScienceDaily”