“See No Evil: Hidden Content and Accessibility - Cloud Four”
Hey! Let’s build a nightmare dystopia. I’m sure nobody will mind.
“working for a startup makes increasingly less sense”
“That startup sold for 200 million dollars and, as the 10th engineer, I made … 15000 dollars from that exit.”
“What’s new on iOS 12.2 for Progressive Web Apps – Maximiliano Firtman – Medium”
Better than before but still pretty messy. Might actually border in the usable now?
“Michael Tsai - Blog - Apps That Benefit and Threaten Apple”
If you wanted specifically to create PR that forces governments to take antitrust actions, this is what you’d do.
“Michael Tsai - Blog - Goodbye, QuickTime 7 and JPEG 2000”
Losing support for these formats means that a decent amount of the work I did for my masters is even more inaccessible on modern computers.
“Programmers Who Don’t Understand Security Are Poor at Security - Schneier on Security”
“Mozilla statement on the adoption of the EU Copyright directive - Open Policy & Advocacy”
“Downstream we can make quick fixes. Band aid the problem. Temporarily alleviate the pain. But it won’t go away.”
“Privacy’s not an abstraction”
“The act of surveillance alone should be considered a harm”
“Readability is more important than brevity - Go Make Things”
“Wow Air: Icelandic airline cancels flights amid fears of possible collapse”
Hope none of you have tickets with Wow Air.
“Weeknote 2 - Web Development Mistakes, Mary Sues, and Icy Spring”
The big project at work continues to expand my thinking about web dev. Plus some photos.