“Pedagogical Intent and Designing for Inquiry”
Interesting article on the absence of intent from existing pedagogical data. A little bit too optimistic for my taste but makes a bunch of interesting points.
“Former Away employees describe a toxic work environment at the luggage company - The Verge”
Avoid working for companies that describe themselves as being a part of a movement or ideology.
“Intro to Opportunity Sizing - Related Works - Medium”
I miss working for a org that has a consistent biz model selling to a known audience. One of the unspoken downsides of working in OER/OSS is that a lot of the time you can’t base your decisions on quantifyable data.
Pretty much every time a techie says that something esoteric and hard to use will ‘inevitably’ become mainstream because they consider it technically superior, you can count on it not happening.
“Kitten report #10: The evolving disability consciousness of Charlie and George - Nicola Griffith”
“Why am I seeing so many bugs on the iPad all of a sudden?”
“Ah, it updated itself last night.”
At least Apple is consistent when it comes to software quality these days.
“inessential: Why I Listen to Podcasts at 1x Speed”
“We’re in danger, I think, of treating everything as if it’s some measure of our productivity.”
“Get Started With UI Design With These Tips To Speed Up Your Workflow — Smashing Magazine”
Because this is something I needed to hear today www.youtube.com/watch
“Why trains run slower now than they did in the 1920s.”
This is depressing.
“Some Very Bad News about the UNESCO OER Recommendation”
Nothing about this is inexplicable, tbh. OER is going down the same path OSS went.
“Buttons shouldn’t have a hand cursor - Simple = Human - Medium”
“I <3 the cascade! - Go Make Things”
The cascade is absolutely one of the most useful features of CSS.
Idle question of the day: if browser vendors had invested in better MathML support ~2012 instead of cutting back, would PDFs still be as dominant in academia as they are today?
“Why AI will never replace human picture descriptions – Marco’s Accessibility Blog”
“Another Blue Beanie Day - Zeldman”
“Blue Beanie Day also gets smaller each year because web design as a practice and as a discipline keeps shrinking”